
Summer Camp Chicks Are Totally Waxed These Days

Hamilton Nolan · 06/07/12 11:17AM

Allow us to remind the "good people" (bad people) at the New York Times Style section that they already published the ne plus ultra of enraging Rich People Summer Camp trend stories last year, with their classic "Rich people are sending their kids to expensive summer camps on private jets" piece. No double-dipping in the Most Enraging Rich People Summer Camp Stories pool, NYT. I see you trying.

Fifth Grader Gets Presidential Pardon for Absence

Louis Peitzman · 06/02/12 11:45AM

It's not every day you get a chance to see President Obama speak — and it's even rarer to watch him get introduced by your dad. That's why fifth grader Tyler Sullivan made the wise choice to skip school and head to the Honeywell factory where his dad, Ryan Sullivan, works.

College Students: Your School Is Pimping You Out to a Bank

Hamilton Nolan · 05/31/12 09:51AM

Why are banks so enthusiastic about marketing their products to college students? Because college students, like most young people, don't know shit about shit. But unlike most kids, they have some money (even if they borrowed it). That means they are easy marks, and lucrative ones. A college student might think: "My school will protect my financial interests." See? I told you they were easy marks.

Little Girl Handles Crisis Situation Adorably

Louis Peitzman · 05/19/12 03:08PM

A four-year-old in New York is being called a hero for dialing 911 when her brother was choking on a piece of chicken. The police sergeant who took the call was especially impressed by how "cool and collected" little Grace Varley was.