Little Girl Handles Crisis Situation Adorably

A four-year-old in New York is being called a hero for dialing 911 when her brother was choking on a piece of chicken. The police sergeant who took the call was especially impressed by how "cool and collected" little Grace Varley was.
The grandmother taking care of the kids, however, was a total mess — she apparently took the choking boy outside and screamed for help. Why didn't the only adult in the situation think to call an ambulance?
Anyway, kudos to Grace, who learned about calling 911 in her prekindergarten class. I'm holding out for a recording of the phone call, so I can be jealous of a toddler's ability to stay calm in a crisis situation. Just the thought of someone choking near me makes me anxious.
Grace's brother Myles is doing just fine. They are both adorable.