
What Shall We Call This Next Generation?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/04/12 03:50PM

Kids these days: what the hell are they? That is the question that faces American time-wasters today. As you know, the latest generation with a formal name is "The Millennials," and they are basically the worst, continuing the grand tradition of every new generation being the worst.

Know-It-All Snot-Nosed Punk Points Out Mistake in Met Map

Neetzan Zimmerman · 05/04/12 09:45AM

During a visit with his mom to The Metropolitan Museum of Art last summer, 13-year-old Benjamin Lerman Coady of West Hartford, Connecticut, learned a valuable lesson: Museums can sometimes be wrong.

Students With Real Majors Don't Want to Be College Professors

Hamilton Nolan · 05/03/12 09:10AM

Why do people go to grad school? It all depends. In "the humanities," people generally go to grad school because they like to smoke marijuana, or because they dislike the prospect of finding a "real job," or—and this one is key to the whole grad school house of cards—because they "want to teach." The elusive and illusive prospect of a career in academia helps many kids justify spending tens of thousands of dollars on a graduate degree that qualifies them for no other jobs. Strangely, people who major in fields that have actual applicability to the world outside of college campuses have other career goals.

This Baby Can Beat Up Your Baby

Neetzan Zimmerman · 04/16/12 11:21AM

How do you babyproof a house against a 10-month-old who can do pull ups? That's the question YouTuber treaangel asked herself when she spotted baby Jonas trying to lift himself off the floor to get a closer look at the computer screen.

Kids These Days Are Horrible at Getting Knocked Up

Hamilton Nolan · 04/10/12 08:34AM

What are teens "screwing" up now, literally, more or less, ha ha? Teen pregnancy. Easiest god damn thing in the world. Takes nothing more than peer pressure, lax parenting, and copious amounts of "sizzurp." Still, kids these days can't even get that right.

Kids These Days Refuse to Sit Still and Watch Ads

Hamilton Nolan · 04/09/12 08:37AM

For millennia, media that comes on screens has operated on a very simple premise: they show you entertaining things like Three's Company for free, and in return, you sit there and watch the ads. Very simple. And guess who is now fucking up this wondrous model of passive infotainment? That's right: kids these days.

Business Majors Are Basically Kind of Dumb

Hamilton Nolan · 04/05/12 12:58PM

Now look, before all of you undergrad business majors get all hot under your golf shirt collars and start angrily pounding on your cubicle walls and throwing around your fraternity-branded shot glasses: this is not from me, okay? This is from "The Wall Street Journal," a newspaper that you may have heard of at some point in one of your business classes. (If you haven't, that's okay.) It's not that business majors are bad. Not at all. You're just not as sharp as the other kids.

Sellouts These Days Are Nerds

Hamilton Nolan · 04/04/12 08:43AM

Kids these days are sellouts. As you know. As soon as they set foot on a college campus, boom, they all want to become a "brand ambassador" for some energy drink company or casual clothing brand in order to bless the brand with the hot sexxxy "halo effect" that their young, nubile, innocent bodies offer. Sweet innocence of youth; thou shalt be the biggest generation of corporate sellouts ever, forsooth. Even worse: sellouts these days are nerds.

Are You Spending Enough Money on Beauty Products for Your Ugly Baby?

Hamilton Nolan · 03/29/12 10:08AM

Your baby: it has some issues. Let's be real. Its baby skin is... not so perfect. Nothing you'd want to be seen in public with. Your baby's beauty reflects on you. The good news: your baby's hideousness is nothing that hundreds of dollars worth of beauty products can't temporarily fix.