
Joshua, Your Mother Is Never Allowed To Buy Me Anything Again. Ever!

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/04/08 12:15PM

Katherine Heigl was spotted out and about in Los Angeles wearing a gift from hubby Josh Kelley's mother. Heigl may have been all smiles in front of the cameras, but once the newlyweds got into the SUV, it was a whole other story. Kelley was reported to have been seen crying at the corner of Wilshire and Santa Monica Blvd after a tongue-lashing about Katherine's desire to not be photographed wearing Joseph's Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.

What Are You Talking About? I'm Not Whipped, I'm A Rocker!

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/02/08 01:35PM

"Joshua" Kelley, the husband of Katherine Heigl, went out of his way to put an end to the rumors floating around The Internets that he's whipped. Kelley explained that rockers like him couldn't be whipped because, while on paper he might be married to Heigl, he's actually married the greatest woman of all time, music. "The last time I checked, polygamists aren't whipped," smirked Kelley. He then took a long swig from the water bottle under his arm, which didn't actually contain any water, but rather 20 ounces of Bacardi 151. Rockers!

Molly Friedman · 03/31/08 07:15PM

Katherine Heigl continues to ever so subtly remind her husband Josh "Call Me Joshua" Kelley that she does, and always will, wear the pants in their frightening relationship. This time, domestic issues are going beyond proving her social dominance or explaining on national television that their marriage would likely dissolve should they be forced to spend two consecutive weeks together. No, now Katie's moved on to the touchy topic of having Heiglets. And unsurprisingly, she plans on having them when she wants them, no matter how unready Joshua may be. As she puts it, "I think he'd prefer to wait a little more time, but I kind of wouldn't." [People]

21 Accents

Mark Graham · 03/04/08 09:15PM

· Tonight, we point the viral video spotlight on aspiring actress Amy Walker, who gives us a delightful vocal tour of twenty-one different vocal accents in just under two-and-a-half minutes. If only this woman had been around to give Kevin Costner a few pointers before shooting Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves! [YouTube]
· Best Week Ever counts down the Top 20 stupid faces made by Patrick Swayze in Ghost. We're partial to numbers 11, 8 and 3. [Best Week Ever]
· A warning: those of you who haven't built up your tolerance to heavy pancake makeup jobs best avoid clicking to see these up close and personal pictures of Katherine Heigl. [Egotastic]
· Fortunately for Will Ferrell, kid reviewer par excellence Sexman liked Semi-Pro WAY more than Jumper. [YouTube via /Film]
· Nerdy boys who came of age during the late `70s and early `80s will surely shed a few tears when they learn that Gary Gygax, the creator of Dungeons & Dragons, passed away earlier today. True story: a young Uncle Grambo once mailed a manuscript for an adventure that a friend and I concocted to his Lake Geneva, WI home (unfortch, we never heard back). Regardless, we'll be rolling our 20-sided die and pouring out a mug of mead tonight in his honor. [Vulture]

Kate Hudson On Katherine Heigl: 'Who Is She?'

Molly Friedman · 03/03/08 07:45PM

With two superstar parents and a lifetime spent travelling in Hollywood circles, you'd think Kate Hudson would be pretty up on her brethren in the acting community (especially those actresses gracing the cover of just about every other glossy on the newsstand). But apparently the name Katherine Heigl doesn't ring a bell with the former Mrs. Robinson. In an interview with UK Elle, the no-longer-single blondie allegedly feigned ignorance when Heigl's name was brought up, asking:

Even At The Oscars, Only A Bummed Cigarette Could Cool Katherine Heigl's Nerves

Molly Friedman · 02/26/08 12:00PM

Katherine Heigl never struck us as the calm-as-a-cuke type, but she may have taken the whole Nervous Wreck facade a wee too far at Sunday's Oscars. Arriving with her momager, "Katie" completed her quite successful red carpet waltz, topping many best-dressed lists along the way. But apparently the Best Makeup presenter rushed off to the loading dock in a huff seconds after telling the audience just how nervous she was, to have one of her favorite guilty pleasures. After a stagehand asked her what was wrong, Heigl sputtered:

Oscars 2008: Top Ten Best Dressed Women

Molly Friedman · 02/25/08 11:30AM

Compared to the last few years of beige, gold and altogether safe ensembles, this year's Academy Awards carpet was delightfully packed with surprising silhouettes (Heidi's exaggerated popped collar), feather detail that drifted nowhere near tackiness (Jessica Alba), and form-fitting strapless dresses that made actresses (gasp!) look like they have actual curvalicious figures (Cameron Diaz). Herewith, our glance at who we think stopped the show last night with their expertly picked dresses.

Oscar Ladies in Red

Molly Friedman · 02/24/08 08:00PM

Perhaps to inject the otherwise snoozy Oscars tonight (no parties! Stewart again! predictable winners!) with some pizazz, the actresses on the carpet went with red dresses in all shades: Katherine Heigl, sans Josh as far as we could tell, wore a fire engine red one-strap number; Miley Cyrus proved she's still a girl, but not yet a woman, in a tight bright red dress to show off her underage, yet budding, figure; Helen Mirren proved once again that being a slightly more "mature" actress in no way means you can't look sexy. Take a look at all the ladies who took red and made it work:

Morphing Technology Produces Perfect-Faced Gefilte Stars

Seth Abramovitch · 02/21/08 12:41PM

While individual celebrities each have their own, signature facial characteristics—the Clooney brow, the Damon eyes, the Streep nose—it would seem to us that with all the scientific advances now available (clone-morph/stem-cell/gene-splicing technologies or what have you, we're not exactly sure how all that wizardry works), that cherrypicking the best of what's out there and compressing the bits and pieces into one star-loaf is definitely the way to go. Apparently, Star magazine had the very same idea, as they've attempted the darned-near impossible:

Joshua Kelley Would Be 'Drawing On Tablecloths' If It Weren't For A.D.D. Expert Katherine Heigl

Molly Friedman · 02/12/08 07:17PM

Katherine Heigl is not a doctor, but she plays one on TV. Scratch that, we just learned that she plays one in real-life, too! The Emasculation of Joshua Tour never fails to disappoint, as evidenced by Joshua's admission to People that it was none other than Katherine who diagnosed him with Attention Deficit Disorder, thereby saving him from a life of scribbling doodles for spare change:

Katherine Heigl Isn't Really 45 Years Old, She Just Has A 45 Year Old's Haircut

Mark Graham · 02/11/08 09:38PM

· No, that's not Martha Raye. That's Katherine Heigl. But we can see how you got the two confused.
· Speaking of young(ish) girls who look at least 15 years older than their actual age, we're pretty sure this blind item is about this girl.
· Pretty solid (if unspectacular) piece in this weekend's New York Times Magazine about 2007's breakthrough performances.
· Jerry O'Connell learns the hard way that lightning never strikes the same place twice. So will anyone who watches this video.
· Note to Scarlett Johansson - The next time that a director asks you to shoot a movie alongside Natalie Portman, insist on on wearing makeup. It will only help your cause, trust us.

Nothing Comes Between Katherine Heigl And Her Nicotine — Not Even A Little Burglary!

Mark Graham · 02/07/08 06:00PM

We'd like to begin this post by emphatically stating that getting your car broken into SUCKS. We have been there, it is awful, and we genuinely empathize with Katherine Heigl and her emasculated husband Joshua during this time of need. But, having gotten that out of the way, we'd like to point out a few of the more absurd things about this clip. First and foremost, we'll begin with TMZ's editorial decision to set up a clip about a car being burgled by using a scene from ... wait for it ... The Great Muppet Caper!

Katherine Heigl Brings Her Rousing 'Emasculation Of Joshua' Tour To Harpo Studios

Mark Graham · 02/01/08 09:11PM

Fresh off an exhilarating birthday bonanza and an electrifying stop on The Late Show with David Letterman, Katherine Heigl brought her nicotine-stained 27 Dresses promotional tour to the Oprah show earlier this afternoon. Being the consummate pro that she is, she did NOT let the opportunity slip through her fingers to knock her new husband Josh "Call Me Joshua" Kelley down a few pegs.

Katherine Heigl Spares No Expense In Repurchasing Birthday-Boy Husband's Love

Seth Abramovitch · 01/30/08 08:53PM

We can think of no better way to cap off a Wednesday than by relaying for you all the details surrounding Katherine Heigl's overcompensating 28th birthday party for the new husband she completely took for granted on a recent Late Show with David Letterman appearance. We now bring you directly to the PEOPLE EXCLUSIVE report, live from the Katherine Heigl's-husband-appreciating birthday scene. (All hors d'oeuvre descriptions must exclusively credit PEOPLE EXCLUSIVE.):

Josh Kelley Crosses Legs, Says 'Hot Diggity Dog,' Still Gets The Girl

mollyf · 01/22/08 02:07PM

Katherine Heigl's pantsless hubby Josh Kelley is kind of like the poor man's Chris Martin: he sings sad little wimpy songs, isn't the best-looking guy in the room and bores us to tears in interviews, but he somehow still managed to convince a gorgeous blonde actress to pay his rent. But hey! He writes songs for her! So all is forgiven. Well, besides the fact that he says things like "holla!" and "hot diggity dog!" with no shame. In this clip from Extra, we finally get some insight into how exactly he managed to score the insanely hot (yet terribly controlling) Katherine Heigl. Josh, you had her at...actually we still can't figure it out. Anyone?

'Cloverfield' Devours January

Seth Abramovitch · 01/21/08 12:10PM

You know, Hollywood has a dream, too: Seeing summer box office numbers in the dead of January. This weekend, that dream has finally come to pass, bringing movie executives of all stripes and luxury-car-driving-categories out of their offices and into the streets, to stand together and toss bushels of warm money into the air in a stirring showing of producerly love. The numbers:

Katherine Heigl: Just Not That Into Him?

Mark Graham · 01/17/08 01:55PM

Defamer's favorite defender of feminism/nicotine addict, Katherine Heigl, is making the rounds on the talk show circuit to ostensibly pump up the enthusiasm levels for her new rom-com, 27 Dresses. However, she spent most of her time on The Late Show last night emasculating her husband of two weeks, Josh "Katherine Calls Me Joshua" Kelley. That is, when she wasn't readily admitting that she wouldn't stoop to the level of actually paying to go see her own movie.

Katherine Heigl Tells Reporter To Butt Out

Mark Graham · 01/15/08 05:31PM

Long suffering feminist crusader and smokey treat enthusiast Katherine Heigl wants you to know that she can quit smoking any time she god damn well pleases. "I can have just one (cigarette). I am not gonna get addicted. Then you start bumming. I'm bumming. I don't buy my own packs. I'm not addicted." It's important to note, she gave this answer while smoking a cigarette.

seth · 01/03/08 04:16PM

In a stunning Romcom Release-Date Push-Back Exclusive, usmagazine.com is reporting that Katherine Heigl's hotly unanticipated Knocked Up feature film follow-up, 27 Candles Dresses, will be opening on January 18, not January 11, as had been previously scheduled. A Fox "insider" offered a suspiciously sanguine, "The movie played so well at public sneak previews on December 27 that it was decided just last night to move it back a week to take advantage of the holiday weekend." Skeptics that we are when it comes to an anonymous studio flack's pom-pom waving, we're wondering if the extra week isn't instead for them to add some 11th hour footage of Heigl's head being blown off by an unseen, fire-belching beast, the better to position the film opposite Paramount's Godzilla-sized offering, Cloverfield. [usmagazine.com]