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Katherine Heigl never struck us as the calm-as-a-cuke type, but she may have taken the whole Nervous Wreck facade a wee too far at Sunday's Oscars. Arriving with her momager, "Katie" completed her quite successful red carpet waltz, topping many best-dressed lists along the way. But apparently the Best Makeup presenter rushed off to the loading dock in a huff seconds after telling the audience just how nervous she was, to have one of her favorite guilty pleasures. After a stagehand asked her what was wrong, Heigl sputtered:

"It's finally over...I just need a cigarette."

But her frustration didn't start with the nicotine cravings. After said carpet walk, in which her red dress took the spotlight despite her heavily pancaked makeup job and older person `do, Heigl dashed to the bathroom only to find it occupied. Her complaint to Momager Heigl? "Great. One more thing I have to be nervous about." Yes, Katie, having to wait nearly five minutes for a potty break and being given the opportunity to present an Oscar certainly warrant diva behavior bordering on Mariah Carey nervous breakdowns. Poor, poor thing.