We'd like to begin this post by emphatically stating that getting your car broken into SUCKS. We have been there, it is awful, and we genuinely empathize with Katherine Heigl and her emasculated husband Joshua during this time of need. But, having gotten that out of the way, we'd like to point out a few of the more absurd things about this clip. First and foremost, we'll begin with TMZ's editorial decision to set up a clip about a car being burgled by using a scene from ... wait for it ... The Great Muppet Caper!

No offense to Chuck Grodin or Jim Henson — we here at Defamer HQ love ALL of the original films in the Muppet Trilogy (and own them all on DVD) — but we're not quite seeing the link between the robbery of the Baseball Diamond and the burglary of Joshua Kelley's GPS system. Whatever they're smokin' over there, we want some. Second, we know that Katherine loves her butts, but do you really have to fire up at the very moment you discover that your husband lost his precious Garmin? Lastly, and let us know if we're being too harsh here, but shouldn't have Katherine lent a helping hand to her man during his time of need? You know, rather than hanging out in the car, accepting compliments on your wedding bling from razzos and pounding cancer sticks?