Defamer's favorite defender of feminism/nicotine addict, Katherine Heigl, is making the rounds on the talk show circuit to ostensibly pump up the enthusiasm levels for her new rom-com, 27 Dresses. However, she spent most of her time on The Late Show last night emasculating her husband of two weeks, Josh "Katherine Calls Me Joshua" Kelley. That is, when she wasn't readily admitting that she wouldn't stoop to the level of actually paying to go see her own movie.

After watching the clip twice, it becomes readily apparent that Helga The Heigl is like the General Patton of newlywed psychological warfare. Notice how she subtly yet pervasively uses a jokily condescending tone to land public jab after public jab on her husband's shortcomings. Case in point, when she says that "right now he's just visiting my house in L.A." (emphasis ours). Um, now that they're married, shouldn't it be their house? Maybe that wasn't in the pre-nup.

And what's up with calling him JOSHUA all the time? The dude clearly prefers the name Josh (if his MySpace page and album cover are any indication). She then goes on to label him a "show off" and tells the uncomfortably embarrassing story of how he broke his nose in a skiing accident just days before his wedding, prompting Dave to label him a "dope" and a "bonehead" (not in our clip). Good luck with that one, Josh(ua)!