Kate Hudson On Katherine Heigl: 'Who Is She?'

With two superstar parents and a lifetime spent travelling in Hollywood circles, you'd think Kate Hudson would be pretty up on her brethren in the acting community (especially those actresses gracing the cover of just about every other glossy on the newsstand). But apparently the name Katherine Heigl doesn't ring a bell with the former Mrs. Robinson. In an interview with UK Elle, the no-longer-single blondie allegedly feigned ignorance when Heigl's name was brought up, asking:
"Who is she? Oh, that girl in 27 Dresses?"
But is Hudson's naiveté genuine or might she just be jealous of the fact that Heigl's 27 Dresses tap danced all over Fool's Gold at the box office (27 Dresses has a cume of $74.4MM, while Fool's Gold is stuck at a $58m gross to-date). Call us crazy, but we think that Kate's feigned ignorance of the Emmy winning emasculator is a direct result of the latter.