· Tonight, we point the viral video spotlight on aspiring actress Amy Walker, who gives us a delightful vocal tour of twenty-one different vocal accents in just under two-and-a-half minutes. If only this woman had been around to give Kevin Costner a few pointers before shooting Robin Hood: Prince Of Thieves! [YouTube]
· Best Week Ever counts down the Top 20 stupid faces made by Patrick Swayze in Ghost. We're partial to numbers 11, 8 and 3. [Best Week Ever]
· A warning: those of you who haven't built up your tolerance to heavy pancake makeup jobs best avoid clicking to see these up close and personal pictures of Katherine Heigl. [Egotastic]
· Fortunately for Will Ferrell, kid reviewer par excellence Sexman liked Semi-Pro WAY more than Jumper. [YouTube via /Film]
· Nerdy boys who came of age during the late `70s and early `80s will surely shed a few tears when they learn that Gary Gygax, the creator of Dungeons & Dragons, passed away earlier today. True story: a young Uncle Grambo once mailed a manuscript for an adventure that a friend and I concocted to his Lake Geneva, WI home (unfortch, we never heard back). Regardless, we'll be rolling our 20-sided die and pouring out a mug of mead tonight in his honor. [Vulture]