
NBC News: Yesterday Less Than Ever

Jesse · 11/25/05 11:08AM

We haven't watched the Thanksgiving Day parade on television for probably a solid two decades, but when we glanced at this morning's papers we began to regret avoiding the broadcast this year. There was, it seems, a "Holi-Daze" "Lights Out" at the parade yesterday, a "narrowly avoided" disaster that was caused when a giant (and, apparently, angry) M&M careened into a lamppost in Times Square and sent a 30-pound lighting fixture falling onto two sisters watching the parade below.

Media Thanksgiving: The Grateful Hacks

Jesse · 11/23/05 05:24PM

Because we know you're dying for more of these, here's the final round of what media people are thankful for. (Who knew so many would respond to our email?) Have a happy holiday tomorrow, and we'll see you back here — in all likelihood, just as half-assedly, on Friday.

Remainders: Behold the Federletus!

Jessica · 11/23/05 05:00PM

• Well, well, well! Look who's on the cover of the latest People magazine: It's the family Federletus! You know, didn't OK! change their Britney-Kevin cover story and bend over backwards with their edit, just to get those baby pics? Yeah, we think they did. Sucks to be them. [People]
• We're thankful for our Adderall abuse, Michael T. of Motherfucker is thankful for his cocaine abuse, and Fancy of Fannypack is thankful for his Asian teen escort abuse. [VV]
• The Holiday Market eats Union Square alive. But the little crafts are so cute, no? [Manhattan Offender]
• The Real David Cross offers his thoughts on the Fake David Cross. [Radar]
• NASA still plagued with pressing dildo problems. [CNN]
• Is that a VULVA on the cover of New York mag, or are you just happy to see us? [Scanner]
• Martha Stewart struggles with whether or not to name her new kitten "Keira Knightley." Seriously. [MarthaStewart]
• The Golden Girls are alive, well, and shilling in Chelsea. It's just not the same without Estelle Getty, however. [OAN]

Media Thanksgiving: The Grateful Hacks

Jesse · 11/23/05 04:27PM

We asked a bunch of media folks why they're thankful on this Thanksgiving, and many of them told us. Here, the media reporters. We start with the Observer boys, and, first, Gabe Sherman:

Media Thanksgiving: The Grateful Hacks

Jessica · 11/23/05 04:00PM

We've asked our media lords what they're thankful for, and they actually responded. First up, NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams:

Why Are You People Still Here?

Jesse · 11/23/05 03:27PM

OK. It's 3:30 on the day before Thanksgiving. We know why we're still at work — one of our bosses is British, and therefore doesn't understand Thanksgiving, and the other is an old-school New England Wasp, and therefore doesn't under why we children of immigrants are celebrating his holiday. But what about you? Did you have a half-day today? Shouldn't you be on a train or a plane or an Interstate? What in God's name is keeping you people at your computers?

Media Thanksgiving: The Grateful Hacks

Jesse · 11/23/05 03:04PM

What are Times up-and-comers thankful for this year? We asked, and they answered. Three more from the Gray Lady, starting with Stylesy trendmonger Jennifer 8. Lee, who turns earnest on us:

Media Thanksgiving: The Grateful Hacks

Jesse · 11/23/05 01:54PM

Lots more media notables inexplicably deigned to respond to our inquiry about what they're thankful for. Even Mr. Radar, Greatest American Magazine Editor Maer Roshan:

Media Thanksgiving: The Grateful Hacks

Jessica · 11/23/05 12:25PM

We've asked our favorite media personalities what they're thankful for this year, and they've actually answered. Three from the Times, starting with Arts-y gal Ginia Bellafante:

Media Thanksgiving: The Grateful Hacks

Jessica · 11/23/05 09:43AM

We've asked our favorite media folk what they're thankful for this year, and they actually answered us. First up is former NY Press editor Jeff Koyen, who writes from the tiny Laotian island of Don Det, where the local beer is 80 cents per liter and the internet access is $6 per hour:

Daily News Sprinkles Staff With Christmas Spirit

Jessica · 11/17/05 12:42PM

Because a holiday party at Copacabana simply doesn't convey the warmth of the season, the Daily News has a special offer for their employees: discounted subscriptions to Radar and U.S. News & World Report. Publisher Mort Zuckerman knows everyone has worked very hard this year, so his giving staffers the chance to get 53 issues of U.S. News for $15, or 10 (ha) issues of Radar for $7.50. Apparently they were all out of lumps of coal.

Every Time a Bell Rings, a Union Goes on Strike

Jessica · 11/03/05 08:20AM

Late yesterday, Radio City's 35-piece orchestra walked out of contract negotiations, forcing the music hall to cancel final rehearsals for the Christmas Spectacular, which was scheduled to open tonight. Orchestra members currently get paid $1600 per week for 2 performances, daily, 6 days a week. While the musicians' union accepted a new contract offer from management, union leaders claim management suddenly decided not to sign the new deal. As such, the musicians walked and members of the stagehands union followed.

Every Scandal Deserves a Keepsake Ornament

Jessica · 10/31/05 09:01AM

For those of you inexplicably itching to get a jump start on your holiday shopping, a few of the holiday shops at Bryant Park have opened up early, presumably for the cracktards who happen to be ice skating in 70-degree weather at the new pond. Lucky for us, one of those early-bird shops is the New York Times Store, which carries a wealth of options for the Sulzberger lover in your life.

Natasha Lyonne, Just in Time for Halloween

Jessica · 10/25/05 08:22AM

We receive the occasional email from readers asking what's become of cracktress Natasha Lyonne, who went from semi-starlet to Michael Rappaport's worst nightmare as his drug-addled tenant. Truth is, we don't know where Natasha is — last we heard, she was detoxing in the hospital and, according to her father, she was very ill. The latest issue of Vice has further insight:

Remainders: Save Chris Wilson!

Jessica · 10/11/05 05:27PM

• It's the sort of link we dream of: Chris Wilson, porn, and the movement to save him. [Save Chris Wilson]

• If Carrie Fisher continues travel writing, she will eventually go to many different places for many different reasons. [Fametracker]

• Fuck: Lauren Weisberger has risen above our campaign of passive resistance to crawl up the Amazon sales rankings with the skill of a veteran social climber. [Amazon]

• The Times celebrates the high holidays with the heartwarming story of a doctor, a Jew, and the pig valve that brought them all together. [Canonist]

• "How am I supposed to care about Nick and Jessica when I still know nothing about the couple?!" []

• And today in viral content, UNICEF kills the Smurfs to make a point. [End of Smurfs]

• Hey, bloggers: Quit being such assholes. Link exchanges aren't even a cool payoff for such disgusting blackmail. Go outside or something, please. [Opinionistas]

Remainders: Boy George Joins Kate Moss at Kokey's

Jessica · 10/10/05 04:45PM

• The latest in celebrity drug abuse: Boy George was arrested this weekend for cocaine posession. The face-painting 80's icon called the NYPD to investigate a break-in at his downtown apartment, wherein they fould a nice bag of the marching powder. Naturally, George claims the drugs weren't his (he has a lot of company, you know, quite the hostess!), but he'll still be in court on December 19 to deal with the matter. [Reuters]
• For a mere $2 million, you can be the proud owner of Worth every penny, we think. [eBay]
• Freedom of speech does not extend to t-shirts worn on Southwest Airlines flights. [Southwest]
Times opera boy Anthony Tommasini insists on describing his male subjects as "strapping," which is only slightly less obvious than "glistening" or "potent." [Parterre]
• The NYC celebrity assistants posse learns how to sell their bosses on pink feather Christmas trees, adult bibs, and the fine art of re-gifting. 'Tis the season to be a cheap bastard! [NYM]