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Late yesterday, Radio City's 35-piece orchestra walked out of contract negotiations, forcing the music hall to cancel final rehearsals for the Christmas Spectacular, which was scheduled to open tonight. Orchestra members currently get paid $1600 per week for 2 performances, daily, 6 days a week. While the musicians' union accepted a new contract offer from management, union leaders claim management suddenly decided not to sign the new deal. As such, the musicians walked and members of the stagehands union followed.

We really freaked when, on the Daily Show last night, ancient journalist Mike Wallace announced the Rockettes were striking as well (a high-kicking picket line would be a tremendous photo op, after all). The Rockettes, however, have a no-strike, no-lockout clause in their contracts, meaning that if they care about keeping their jobs, they won't be striking. So even if it's to recorded music, our sexy slave ladies will still perform — keeping tourists in the theater and off the street, saving Christmas for all. And Mike Wallace? LIAR.

Will the Show Go On for the Rockettes? [WCBS]