• It's the sort of link we dream of: Chris Wilson, porn, and the movement to save him. [Save Chris Wilson]

• If Carrie Fisher continues travel writing, she will eventually go to many different places for many different reasons. [Fametracker]

• Fuck: Lauren Weisberger has risen above our campaign of passive resistance to crawl up the Amazon sales rankings with the skill of a veteran social climber. [Amazon]

• The Times celebrates the high holidays with the heartwarming story of a doctor, a Jew, and the pig valve that brought them all together. [Canonist]

• "How am I supposed to care about Nick and Jessica when I still know nothing about the Classmates.com couple?!" [dude.man.phat.]

• And today in viral content, UNICEF kills the Smurfs to make a point. [End of Smurfs]

• Hey, bloggers: Quit being such assholes. Link exchanges aren't even a cool payoff for such disgusting blackmail. Go outside or something, please. [Opinionistas]