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Because we know you're dying for more of these, here's the final round of what media people are thankful for. (Who knew so many would respond to our email?) Have a happy holiday tomorrow, and we'll see you back here — in all likelihood, just as half-assedly, on Friday.

This potpourri round begins with the real David Cross:

Here's what I'm thankful for:
My Freinds, NYC, Zoloft
Comedy stages
A big world to explore
The right to free speech (but not in a Page Six way)
Passionate, reasoned debate
Four distinct seasons
Easy access to good coffee

And there are 12 more after the jump.

New York's David Amsden:

I'm thankful that I'm not a wild-eyed, rabid-seeming, couch-jumping, cradle-robbing, ADD-disbelieving Scientologist. Or Judith Miller.

Village Voicer Tricia Romano:

I'm thankful that when I was at Ricky's shopping for hair products, two hairdressers happened to be standing in the aisle and gave me advice on how not to destroy my hair. I am thankful for my fat cat Esmerelda, even though I am probably really allergic to her and she is the reason I have been sick for the last month and half. I'm thankful that I have friends who tolerate my annoying, grating presence and listen to each and every tedious complaint with the patience of a buddha. I am thankful for quotable people like Carlos D, Moby, Tommie Sunshine, Fancy, and Murray Hill who make my job easier and more fun. I'm thankful for my Aunt Irma's lasagna which I will be eating tomorrow in combination with her turkey. Yum.

Author and Elle columnist E. Jean Carroll:

I am thankful for:
Pit Bulls
Driving fast
Staying up late
The return of pubic hair

PR scion Steven Rubenstein:

I'm thankful for blind items.

Maxim UK editor and HuffPost blogger Greg Gutfeld:

I am very thankful for the French (INRA model) AV. Light enough to be held with one hand, with an adjustable latex hood, it fits just about any size. (The latex hood also allows for manual stimulation of the glans during "collection"). It has a latex tubular inner liner fillable by water that is encased in a stiff, comfortable shell. I have a few used ones in case any one is interested. Email me.

MTV's Gideon Yago:

I'm thankful for the fine corps of NYC delivery guys. They keep me happy and lazy and I love them, yoeman, one and all.

GawkerDaddy and Transomer Choire Sicha:

I guess I'm most grateful that I work with a small group of committed and close-knit smokers — a group so seriously devoted to smoking that the non-smokers have actually begun regularly going downstairs on smoke breaks. In this age of increased healthcare costs passed on to the cigarette-loving and pilates at the New York Times, it's nice to be nestled in the bosom of a newspaper where our bad treatment of ourselves is embraced with such gusto. Also: the new Fresca variants. And Jennifer Hudson getting cast in Dreamgirls.

Wonketteer Ana Marie Cox:

I'm thankful for my husband and my pets and the few others in my life that know me well but love me anyway.

Post media columnist Keith Kelly:

I'm thankful I have a job that is indoors all winter

Salon New York chief Kerry Lauerman:

I'm thankful that you can make a living on the Internet again. I'm also relieved that I've avoided Patrick Fitzgerald's scrutiny, and — bonus — managed to hide my close (and remarkably physical) relationship with Robert Novak from the press.

Page Sixer Paula Froelich:

I am thankful for my health (I quit smoking four months ago, before lung cancer set in and, yes, still want to kill everyone), my jobs at the Post and the insider(gainful employment is key to living a decent existence in NYC), my family (specifically, that they live in Ohio, not New York), and Karl the wonder weenie (a dachshund, not an actual weenie. Frankly, as I dumped my boyfriend five weeks ago, am still looking for one of those).

Salon's Rebecca Traister:

I'm thankful that I'm going out of town and won't have to look at Peter Braunstein's wanted poster every time I walk out the door for a couple of days.

Daily News gossip Lloyd Grove:

I'm thankful that, whatever happens, I still have my own hair.