
Justice Department Launches Investigation into Arizona's Democratic Primary

Jeff Ihaza · 04/04/16 10:45PM

In March, thousands of voters in Arizona reported waiting in hours-long lines to cast their vote in the state’s Democratic primary. Over 100,000 people have signed a petition demanding a revote in the state and now, the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice has officially opened an investigation to uncover what exactly happened during last month’s primary.

Bernie Sanders Crushes Hillary Clinton in Washington Caucus

Ashley Feinberg · 03/26/16 05:59PM

Bernie Sanders just scored a major victory in Washington—one of the largest remaining states. And with around 75 percent of the vote, the Sanders campaign finally got the sort of win its been aching for.

Open Carry at the Republican Convention: Yes Please

Hamilton Nolan · 03/24/16 02:25PM

While many media outlets cower in their luxury office towers, too scared to stand up for the Bill of Rights that built this great nation, we are unafraid to boldly proclaim: yes, unpredictable partisan crazies should carry deadly weapons on the floor of the Republican National Convention.

"God Bless New York [a City I Hate]" -Ted Cruz 

Hamilton Nolan · 03/23/16 02:40PM

In New York City, you find subcultures for every sexual persuasion, bars dedicated to every football team, and food from every nation on earth. Hell, you can even find a few hundred people who support Ted Cruz.

Donald Trump Is The Iraq War

Hamilton Nolan · 03/23/16 12:26PM

History regularly offers up events that turn out to be litmus tests for political courage, wisdom, and judgment. The last one was the Iraq War. The new one is the candidacy of Donald Trump.

Ted Cruz Proposes Police Patrols in Muslim Neighborhoods After Brussels Attacks

Andy Cush · 03/22/16 11:35AM

Hours after explosions tore through the Belgian capital of Brussels, killing dozens of people, Ted Cruz called for police patrols of Muslim neighborhoods in the U.S. “We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized,” the presidential candidate said in a statement.