
A Complete List of Donald Trump’s Business Disasters

Ashley Feinberg · 03/18/16 07:00PM

As debate moderators introduce every other candidate by their political credentials (Governor, Senator, what have you), Donald Trump comes to us only as “businessman.” So considering it’s his one and only qualification for the candidacy, you’d think he’d be better at it.

Will This Guy Be Hillary's VP? 

Hamilton Nolan · 03/18/16 12:44PM

If Hillary Clinton secures the Democratic nomination, who will be her vice president? I have no idea. Some people think: Tom Perez.

KKK Grand Dragon Has a Clever Plan to Make People Think He Doesn't Support Trump

Andy Cush · 03/18/16 11:25AM

What do you do when you really want one person to win an election, but you understand that by saying that out loud, you’re actually making him more likely to lose? You pretend to support the other person, obviously. And if anyone asks you why, you say, uh, well, I don’t like my guy’s toupee.

This Is the Most Wrong-Ass Shit Bernie Sanders Has Ever Said

Jordan Sargent · 03/18/16 11:00AM

Last night in Arizona, Bernie Sanders held a rally in a Navajo casino. As you might expect from the venue, his speech was heavy on issues that directly affect American Indians. One controversy Sanders briefly touched on was the Washington Redskins, the National Football League team with a slur right there in their name. Perhaps because he was wading into an issue on which he has little experience, Sanders inadvertently made a deeply offensive remark. Via the Washington Post:

Reminder: John Kasich Is Also Evil

Ashley Feinberg · 03/17/16 10:45AM

With Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio out of the running, Ohio Governor John Kasich is the establishment candidate no one saw coming. And sure, compared to the rest of the GOP’s increasingly terrifying sideshows in suits, Kasich comes across as sane. But don’t be fooled: John Kasich is just as much of a monster as the rest—he just hides it better.

After This Video You Will Never Be Able to Watch Ted Cruz Speak Again

Ashley Feinberg · 03/16/16 03:15PM

Watching Ted Cruz speak in any capacity isn’t pleasant. He’s smug, over-rehearsed, and likely wearing someone else’s skin. But as soon you notice this one odd, slightly nauseating little tic, watching Ted Cruz speak gets so, so much worse. We’re sorry.

Nobody Knows Who Won Missouri

Jordan Sargent · 03/16/16 08:30AM

Last night’s primaries likely provided great clarity in the presidential races on both sides. On the Republican side, Marco Rubio dropped out after a drubbing in Florida and John Kasich took the mantle as establishment favorite after a relatively easy win in his home state of Ohio. As for the Democrats, Hillary Clinton swept Bernie Sanders in four important states. And then there’s Missouri.

Donald Trump Is a Theoretical Physicist and His Theory Is That Physics Is Polls

Ashley Feinberg · 03/15/16 09:36PM

Donald Trump just ended his mercifully short victory speech, the majority of which consisted of Trumpisms we’ve already heard a million times before—except for one. Now (in addition to Muslims and walls and his smokin’ hot daughter), Donald Trump would like to talk to you about physics.

John Kasich(?) Wins(?) Ohio

Ashley Feinberg · 03/15/16 08:06PM

John Kasich just took Ohio—his first and only state win so far. And fortunately for him, Ohio also just so happens to be a winner-take-all state. It’s just too bad it’s nearly impossible for him to win at this point.

Marco Rubio Suspends His Campaign (Finally)

Ashley Feinberg · 03/15/16 07:45PM

After getting soundly trounced by Trump in his home state, Marco Rubio finally took his campaign out back and put it out of his misery. Which means he should be endorsing Donald Trump by—oh, let’s say Friday.

Donald Trump Realizes Paying Legal Fees For Violent Fanatics is Probably a Bad Idea

Jordan Sargent · 03/15/16 10:45AM

One thing you can say about Donald Trump is that he has a knack for coming up with very bad ideas, such as his failed businesses selling steaks, vodka, air travel, the delights of Atlantic City, etc. His latest very bad idea was his unprovoked pledge to pay legal fees for the attendees of his rallies who beat up protestors. But today on Good Morning America, your home for the very best political news, Trump backtracked on that promise.