
Welcome to the Joint Gawker-Jezebel Brooklyn Luxury Condo Democratic Debate Liveblog

Brendan O'Connor · 04/14/16 07:45PM

Tonight, Senator Bernie Sanders and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton participate in the final debate before of the most important primary of all time, on Tuesday. The debate will be broadcast from the crown jewel of New York City: the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Gawker and Jezebel are here, and we’re blogging.

After His Honeymoon, Ted Cruz Immediately Bought 100 Cans Of Soup

Ashley Feinberg · 04/13/16 11:38PM

Thanks to CNN’s town hall, America just got another glimpse into the waking hell that is Heidi Cruz’s daily life. Tonight’s entry into the Heidi Cruz catalogue of the macabre: A newlywed Ted Cruz celebrates by buying 100 cans of Campbell’s Chunky soup.

Does Donald Trump Know We Can Hear Him?

Ashley Feinberg · 04/11/16 09:44PM

Tonight in Albany, Donald Trump ended an hour-and-a-half long rant with one of his most unintelligible, yell-y diatribes yet. It was, in a certain light, beautiful.

Hillary Clinton Tries to Prove She's Not Racist With Awkward Joke About "Colored People Time"

Ashley Feinberg · 04/11/16 12:22PM

Coming off her husband’s hard to watch exchange with Black Lives Matters protestors last week, you’d think Hillary Clinton would be extra sensitive to anything that could even potentially paint her as racist right now. Which makes her and Bill de Blasio’s ill-advised joke about “C.P. time” or “colored people time” at a dinner this week all the more bizarre.

A Brief History of Ben Carson Being the Worst Campaign Surrogate Ever

Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/11/16 11:01AM

Ben Carson’s tepid endorsement of Donald Trump is truly the gift that keeps on giving. Each time he appears on Trump’s behalf to argue the case for a Trump presidency, he drives the point home a little further—not even Trump’s official supporters can muster real enthusiasm for an orange, white and blue America.

The Big Question at the Center of Hillary Clinton's Subway Turnstile Bungle

Andy Cush · 04/07/16 09:58AM

Hillary Clinton took the New York City subway this morning, to show that she is a woman of the people. She swiped her MetroCard once, and the turnstile didn’t turn. She swiped it again—nothing. A third time—no dice. The debacle leaves one question in the minds of New Yorkers across the five boroughs.

Wisconsin Republican Accidentally Tells the Truth About Voter ID Laws

Jordan Sargent · 04/06/16 08:30AM

Voter identification laws are commonly understood to be just one of the more common methods by which Republican lawmakers across the country attempt to suppress voter turnout. Rarely do said lawmakers openly admit that such policies are merely tools to swing elections, but I guess Rep. Glenn Grothman, a Republican from Wisconsin, was riding a liiiiiiiittle too high after Ted Cruz’s win over Donald Trump in the state’s primary last night.