[There was a video here]

At long last, Donald Trump has admitted that he will probably not support a Republican nominee other than himself. “We’ll see who it is,” Trump said on Tuesday night. “I have been treated very unfairly.” This, of course, comes after he pledged to support the Republican nominee regardless of who it is.

In September, Trump said, “I will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican Party and for the conservative principles for which it stands.” He continued: “I have no intention of changing my mind...I see no circumstances under which I would tear up that pledge.”

And yet! Here we are. “Do you continue to pledge to support whoever the Republican nominee is?” Anderson Cooper asked Trump on Tuesday. “No, I don’t,” Trump replied. “I’ve been treated very unfairly...by, basically, the RNC, the Republican Party, the establishment.”

At least he doesn’t expect Ted Cruz to support him: “I don’t want him to do something that he’s not comfortable with.”