
The GOP Would Like Everyone to Know That It's Fine, Everything Is Fine

Alex Pareene · 07/18/16 03:54PM

CLEVELAND — In 2012, the non-TV press at least had a halfway decent view of the stage. The press stand seats here in Quicken Loan Arenas are effectively behind the podium, which will eventually have the unintended effect of making it clear to the media when any speaker goes off-prompter (not that anyone scheduled to speak this week is known for that, or anything).

Meet the Man Whose Dog Is Filming the RNC

Brendan O'Connor · 07/18/16 03:25PM

CLEVELAND — In the public square on Monday, as religious fundamentalists condemned sodomy to anyone who would listen, William Hale made sure his dog, wearing a vest laden with GoPro video cameras, was staying hydrated. “A lot of people ask if the dog is a boy or a girl,” he told Gawker. “I try to be gender neutral. It’s just ‘Liberty.’”

Guess How Much This Bedazzled "Trump '16" Box Costs

Ashley Feinberg · 07/18/16 02:35PM

The Republican National Convention isn’t just about putting the GOP’s shiny new nominee on display. It’s also the perfect place for good, hard-working American vendors to hawk their wares. Wares like this rhinestone-covered box for Trump. Guess how much this box costs.

Meet The Bikers For Trump, The RNC’s Harley-Riding Volunteer Security Squad

Andy Cush · 07/18/16 01:35PM

About 50 Donald Trump-supporting motorcyclists rolled out of the parking lot of the Rock-n-Roll City Harley-Davidson dealership this morning in Cleveland, headed to a rally where speakers such as the conspiracist radio host Alex Jones and right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos would extoll the virtues of the candidate later in the afternoon. Whether in an effort to better understand the Trump phenomenon or the Biker phenomenon, I can’t really say, but, I spoke with several of them before they departed for the event.

White Nationalists at the RNC Don't Think Trump Goes Far Enough

Brendan O'Connor · 07/18/16 01:15PM

CLEVELAND — Outside the Republican National Convention on Monday, Gawker ran into Matthew Heimbach, a podcast host for The Daily Stormer, who is encouraging delegates to write in the late George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party, for president. Donald Trump, Heimbach said, doesn’t go far enough. “He needs to become an ethno-nationalist. He needs to understand that a people is the basis of a nation,” he said. “Specifically, white people.”

Who Will Win the Upcoming Civil War?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/15/16 01:15PM

With racial tensions, inequality, and populist rage set to boil over, some fear America could be on the path to a violent confrontation between the angry Trumpies and the equally angry lefties. Before we decide to start this war, we must ask: who would win?

Man Who Wants to be Commander-In-Chief Panics When Asked to Choose Best Friend

Hudson Hongo · 07/14/16 10:15PM

According to CNN, Donald Trump asked Mike Pence to be his running mate early Thursday evening and Pence accepted, but (as the Indiana governor is surely learning) even the clearest decision is always up for negotiation to Trump. Just hours later, the candidate told Fox News he has yet to make up his mind about who he’s taking to the election, saying, “I’ve got three people that are fantastic” and “I haven’t made my final, final decision.”

Remember Donald Trump's Freakish Obsession With Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart?

Andy Cush · 07/14/16 03:00PM

Remember 2012? Love was in the air, and the sense that our country and the world were hurtling toward some irreversible catastrophe was not—not yet, anyway. But disaster was on the horizon for at least two people in America, and there was no closer observer of their decline than future GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump.