
Which of His Potential Vice Presidential Candidates Is Donald Trump Just Fucking With?

Jordan Sargent · 07/14/16 07:00AM

Yesterday was a major day in the history of the state of Indiana. In Indianapolis, Donald Trump personally met with several reported vice presidential candidates just days away from as scrutinized a Republican National Convention as we’ve ever seen. Why Indiana? Trump loves its hard-working, blue-collar people, and the state provided a therapeutically serene environment for what is one of the most crucial decisions made by any presidential campaign.

Donald Trump Versus the American Worker

Hamilton Nolan · 07/13/16 02:00PM

“Donald Trump says Carl Icahn should be in charge of the entire American economy!” shouted the man into the bullhorn as we stood in front of Trump Tower. “Everything you hate about the American economy, Carl Icahn does.” America’s working class Trump supporters still have ample time to reconsider.

Donald Trump Wishes a Swift Death Upon Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Brendan O'Connor · 07/12/16 02:21PM

Never one to brush off criticism lightly, Donald Trump was very offended by Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s remarks to the New York Times this weekend that she would consider moving to New Zealand were he to win the presidential election.

Donald Trump's Largest Son Is Incoherent About Money, Just Like Dad

Brendan O'Connor · 07/12/16 10:46AM

The Washington Post continues its aggressive reporting on Donald Trump’s charitable contributions, most recently putting the screws to the presumptive Republican nominee’s son, Eric Trump. “It’s disgusting. It is so disgusting what’s happening,” Eric complained last week. “I’m saving dying children. We do tremendous good for people. And you’re sitting there tearing us apart.”

Donald Trump Makes the Perfect Campaign Hire

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/11/16 09:10AM

This week the Trump campaign finally made a decision that makes sense, hiring a former communications director for a company that operates not unlike the Trump campaign itself—the UFC.

Donald Trump Spent $120,000 of Other People's Money on Lunch With "Salma Hayek and Her Breasts"

Brendan O'Connor · 07/08/16 04:53PM

In 2008, at a gala hosted by Gucci benefiting Madonna’s charity, Donald Trump paid $120,000 for a tour of a France’s Chateau Latour vineyard. As auctioneer Chris Rock described, the tour would include a lunch with “Salma Hayek and her breasts.” According to BuzzFeed News, however, not only did Trump use other people’s money to pay for the trip, he never even went on it.