Photo: AP

On Thursday, the New York Times reported that former college football star Tim Tebow would be speaking at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland. This, apparently, was news to Tebow as much as it was to anyone else.

“What’s up everybody?” Tebow said in a video posted to Facebook. “I wake up this morning to find out I’m speaking at the Republican National Convention. It’s amazing how fast rumors fly. And that’s exactly what this is: a rumor.” (Not a rumor: Trump once paid $12,000 of his charity’s money for one of Tebow’s helmets.)

“My goal has always been to be able to make a difference in the biggest way possible. If one day, it’s the political realm, that’s what I’ll do. But right now, I really believe that it’s through my foundation and our amazing partners and fighting for kids who can’t fight for themselves.”

Okay, Tebow.

Anyway, while the Times reported that the list had been “confirmed by two people with direct knowledge of the convention planning,” the story noted that it was also “subject to change.”

As is so much, when it comes to Trump.