Photo: AP

Hat in hand, the organizers of the Republican National Convention have asked Las Vegas billionaire Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam to help them out of a $6 million hole, according to a letter obtained by Politico.

The letter, signed by members of the Cleveland 2016 Host Committee and addressed to the right-wing financier couple, discloses that more than two dozen corporations and individuals have backed out of $8.1 million in pledged donations. (Maybe brands are...good?) The RNC is $6 million short of the $64 million it needs to cover the convention’s festivities, and it should come as no surprise that Donald Trump is largely to blame.

“Over the past couple months, negative publicity around our potential nominee resulted in a considerable number of pledges backing out from their commitments,” the letter, dated July 12, reads. From Politico:

It goes on to list the companies and wealthy individuals who have withdrawn their financial commitments. Among those who have canceled their donations, according to the letter, are David Koch ($1 million), FedEx ($500,000), Visa ($100,000), Pepsi ($500,000) and Coca-Cola ($1 million).

Other corporations listed in the letter as having withdrawn earlier commitments include Apple ($250,000), as previously reported by POLITICO, as well as BP ($50,000) and United Health ($500,000).

Earlier this year, convention officials denied that Trump’s rise was having any impact on their ability to bring in corporate sponsors.

The letter goes on to ask the Adelsons to bridge the gap themselves: “We would greatly appreciate if you would consider a $6,000,000 contribution to the Cleveland 2016 Host Committee to help us cross the finish line.”