
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz: A Love Story 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/20/16 06:19PM

Tonight, Ted Cruz will get onstage at the Republican National Convention and say nice things about Donald Trump, a man who spent the last year humiliating him, his family, and every thing he’s ever stood for.

Undocumented and Unafraid, Immigration Activists Give Trump His Wall

Brendan O'Connor · 07/20/16 02:15PM

CLEVELAND — On Wednesday, a coalition of leftist groups, led by organizers from the Latinx group Mijente, raised a handmade wall—a series of long, spray-painted, cloth signs held aloft, stretching, in segments, several hundred (and maybe thousands) of feet across—in front of the Republican National Convention. This made life very difficult for delegates trying to get in or out of the Quicken Loans Arena.

Trump Eats Farts

Brendan O'Connor · 07/20/16 01:20PM

CLEVELAND — Trump eats farts lol.

Speechwriter Confirms Melania Knew She Was Plagiarizing Michelle Obama

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/20/16 12:17PM

The Trump campaign today offered a speechwriter as sacrifice for Melania Trump’s plagiarized speech. But in explaining how she, and she alone, ruined the convention, the speechwriter also confirmed that not only was the speech intentionally lifted from Michelle Obama’s address but that Melania was fully aware she was speaking the First Lady’s words.

Liveblogging Tiffany Trump's First Brave Steps Into the Outside World

Ashley Feinberg · 07/19/16 08:15PM

Welcome to evening two of the Republican National Convention, where Ben Carson will be sewing Chris Christie’s head onto Mike Pence’s body and Tiffany Trump is allowed the rare opportunity to be seen with the rest of her family as she delivers her very first campaign speech. We’ll be coming to you live from Cleveland for prime time at the RNC.

Wow, I Guess They're Really Doing This

Hudson Hongo · 07/19/16 06:13PM

On Tuesday, the Republican National Convention held a roll call vote to officially nominate Donald Trump as their party’s candidate for President of the United States. Goddamn.

Veterans Reject "Singularly Shameful" Donald Trump

Brendan O'Connor · 07/19/16 01:49PM

CLEVELAND — It is a great American tradition, especially during presidential campaigns, for political candidates to deploy military veterans and active service members as evidence of both their robust patriotism and their qualifications to be commander-in-chief. Donald Trump, of course, is neither a patriot nor qualified to be commander-in-chief, and on Tuesday morning a group of veterans gathered in the public square here to make that very point.

Donald Trump Tells Amazing Lie About Cleveland

Gabrielle Bluestone · 07/19/16 08:22AM

In 2014, a year before Donald Trump was even a twinkle in Chris Christie’s eye, the Republican National Committee announced that its 2016 convention would be held in the fair city of Cleveland, OH. Last night, Donald Trump insisted it was his doing.

Newt Gingrich: Donald Trump's Hot Wife Is Proof He Doesn't Hate Immigrants

Hudson Hongo · 07/18/16 08:15PM

During a discussion of Melania Trump, who is scheduled to speak at the Republican Nation Convention Monday night, Newt Gingrich pointed out to Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren that Donald Trump’s wife is not only very hot, but also from a place that is not here.