Photo: AP

A tragic detail stands out from the New York Times’ recap of the comedy of errors that led to Donald Trump confirming Mike Pence as his running mate—big baby Chris Christie begging Trump to reconsider like he ever had a chance in the first place.

According to Alexander Burns and Maggie Haberman, Trump began to have second doubts about Pence when the news leaked Thursday evening. But it’s a fair guess Chris Christie, the campaign’s large adult errand boy, didn’t know that when he called Trump to beg.

In fact, according to their reporting, it seems Trump only took Christie’s call in the first place because he was pissed the news had leaked:

In conversations late into the evening, Mr. Trump repeatedly hesitated over selecting Mr. Pence, according to people briefed on the tense deliberations, who insisted on anonymity to describe the confidential talks. Even as his emissaries reassured Mr. Pence, Mr. Trump fielded a last-ditch appeal from Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey, another finalist, who once again pressed his own case.

(It’s worth noting Christie was technically a finalist in that he was vetted, reportedly out of pity. “They’ve been vetting him [because] it would be embarrassing not to be vetted,” a source told at the time.)

Here lies Chris Christie, who gave it all up to fetch McDonalds for the Donald Trump campaign and died begging like a dog (Trump’s words, not mine). Now it’s all water under the Bridgegate, as it were.