
Donald Trump's National Finance Chairman Is One of Wall Street's Elite

Brendan O'Connor · 05/10/16 07:30AM

After dropping some $40 million of his own money on the Republican primaries—and making a very big deal about it—Donald Trump has realized he is going to need other people’s money if he’s going to be elected president. To help him get it, he’s named as national finance chairman his business associate Steven Mnuchin, a hedge fund manager with a history of donating to Democrats and exploiting the housing crisis for his own gain.

A Moon Man for Vice President

Melissa Cronin · 05/07/16 03:40PM

As Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump begins to mull over his options for vice president, here’s hoping he’ll shoot for the moon—or, more particularly, a man who loves the moon.

Americans Wearing Flip Flops Cower in Fear of Math Terrorists on Planes

Melissa Cronin · 05/07/16 11:23AM

“Wherever there is number, there is beauty,” wrote the Byzantine philospher Proclus Diadochus in the 5th century, unaware how very wrong he was. According to the average plane-riding American, mathematics is now nothing but the Satanical scripture of olive-skinned terrorists.

Jeb Bush Still Around

Ashley Feinberg · 05/06/16 04:08PM

It’s been a long 67 days since we last heard from Sad Jeb. And considering his sodium-addled state, we were starting to get worried. But fear not. Noted scion Jeb Bush is still here, and he’s (probably) fine(-ish). Also, he’s not voting for President.