Photo: Getty

His name is Greg Bonecutter, he lives in West Virginia, and he would like to see trap doors under the White House lawn. The Guardian reports:

Greg Bonecutter Jr, a former nurse on disability from Letart, West Virginia, was an avid Trump supporter wearing a Make America Great Again hat and a shirt that proclaimed “Hillary sucks but not like Monica”.

He was a longtime Trump supporter who backed the nominee because he was someone with whom “you knew where you stood” and was sick “of politicians, big money scams and cover-up lies”. A registered independent, he said he thought Obama was “sucking Muslim tail and an apologist to terrorist actions” and “if it was up to me we’d bring back public execution and there’d be several trap doors on the White House lawn”. Bonecutter warned darkly that if Clinton was elected there might be another civil war.

Bonecutter did not immediately respond to a Facebook message requesting clarification about what would be beneath the trap doors.