Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts, whose family has spent at least $5.5 million bankrolling the anti-Trump Our Principles PAC, will endorse Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Omaha today. The governor had been expected to endorse Ted Cruz.

“Governor Ricketts will appear with Donald Trump in Omaha tomorrow,” Ricketts spokesman Taylor Gage told the Wall Street Journal. “The governor has always said he will support the GOP nominee to retake the White House. The governor is supporting Donald Trump as the presumptive GOP nominee.”

According to Federal Election Commission filings, Joe Ricketts, the governor’s father and founder of TD Ameritrade, contributed $1 million to the Our Principles PAC in February. His wife, Marlene Ricketts, has contributed $4,500,000 to the committee since January.

Last year, FEC filings show, Joe and Marlene Ricketts contributed at least $4 million to Unintimidated PAC, which supported Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker.