
Donald Trump Can Be Bought

Brendan O'Connor · 05/12/16 12:20PM

On Tuesday, Donald Trump told the Associated Press that he doesn’t plan to release his tax returns before the presidential election in November. “There’s nothing to learn from them,” he said. Then, on Wednesday, he said he would release them. “I’ll release. Hopefully before the election I’ll release,” he told Fox News. “And I’d like to release.” (Doesn’t seem like it.) “You learn very little from a tax return,” he added. Maybe, but you learn a lot from someone’s ambivalence about releasing them.

Donald Trump Missed the Deadline to Dump White Nationalist From His Delegate List

Andy Cush · 05/11/16 01:54PM

The Donald Trump campaign formalized its association with America’s Stormfront posters yesterday when it named William Johnson, a well-known and avowed white nationalist, as one of its delegates in California. (The campaign attributed Johnson’s selection to a database error, but that seems unlikely.) Now, as Trump’s people continue to backpedal, the Huffington Post reports that they’ve missed the formal deadline to boot Johnson from the list.

White Kids Aren't Buying the Politics of Racial Resentment

Sean McElwee and Ashley Jardina · 05/11/16 10:55AM

The Obama presidency has left an indelible mark on American society, particularly on the issues of race and racism. Deep and enduring fractures across racial lines have been thrust to the forefront of the national conversation. Even though Obama’s presidency is nearing its end, issues of race continue to dominate the political news cycle, from Donald Trump’s comments about Latinos and Muslims, to Black Lives Matter activists challenging the Democratic candidates on the issue of race. The future of race in America will be defined by today’s youth, and some commentators (including one of us), have expressed skepticism about whether young whites truly hold different views from older whites. However, new data from the 2016 American National Elections Study (ANES) pilot survey suggest that, at least on some dimensions, young whites are quite a bit more racially progressive than their parents.

Donald Trump Picks White Nationalist as His Delegate 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/10/16 03:52PM

For the California primary, Donald Trump has selected several people to represent him as delegates. One of those delegates is William Johnson, a famous white nationalist Trump was forced to disavow in January over a series of racist robocalls. But that was then and this is now: “I can be a white nationalist and be a strong supporter of Donald Trump and be a good example to everybody,” Johnson assures Mother Jones.

Donald Trump's Former Lawyer Paints Bleak Picture of Him Home Alone Gorging on Candy 

Gabrielle Bluestone · 05/10/16 01:09PM

Some of Donald Trump’s former friends and acquaintances this week felt compelled to describe him as a business-and-family-oriented man who would never objectify a woman, which he of course would never do now that he’s courting Hillary’s voters. One particular argument to that effect, volunteered by Trump’s former attorney, is hauntingly bleak.