Photo: AP

On Wednesday, members of the Hindu Sena, a right-wing Indian nationalist group, gathered in a New Delhi protest park to ask the Hindu gods to help Donald Trump win the presidential election. “Only Donald Trump can save humanity,” Vishnu Gupta, the group’s founder, told reporters.

“We believe Islam and Islamic terror are cancerous to the world. India has suffered too long because of this. Trump believes the same thing,” he said. “That’s why we are praying for his victory.” From the Associated Press:

Members of the group gathered on a blanket spread out in a New Delhi protest park along with a collection of statues depicting gods including Shiva and Hanuman — as well as photos of a smiling Trump.

Above them hung a banner declaring support for Trump “because he is hope for humanity against Islamic terror.”

The group chanted Sanskrit prayers asking the gods to favor Trump in the election, and threw offerings such as seeds, grass and ghee — or clarified butter — into a small ritual fire.

“If the American people disagreed with him, why would he continue winning,” one Sena member asked an Indian Express reporter, rhetorically.