
Guest Editor: I'd Like to Stay and Taste My First Champagne. Yes? No.

Jesse · 05/06/05 05:55PM

Before I head back to the salt mines of Editor & Publisher, I want to toss a quick but heartfelt todah rabah to Denton and Steele, for offering this gig, and Coen, for putting up with my IM'd neuroses. (I know, I know: bad idea to skip therapy this week.) Jess promised this would get me laid, which it didn't. And Maer may well not speak to me again. But, otherwise, it's been a blast. An exhausting blast. I'm gonna go get a drink to decompressand, having learned my lesson last time, everyone's invited. See you at the Peach Pit. JO

Defamer Party Report: The Xbox Launch

mark · 05/06/05 05:50PM

Even in the days when striking a rolling hoop with a stick was considered a cutting-edge diversion, marketers lured the celebrities of the day to publicize the launch of a faster hoop and stiffer hoop-striking implement. In exchange for their endorsement, free hooch was proffered and images of their delight in the New Product were captured on daguerrotype. Last night, the celebrity-product marketing machine chugged on essentially unchanged, as young stars guzzled free booze, played videogames, and took in some bands to promote the new Xbox, while their fun was recorded for an MTV special. A Defamer operative files a brief report from the celeb-littered Xbox launch shindig: [Spoiler alert! Don't read if you want to wait for the MTV special to know that CC Deville showed up!!!]

To Do, This Weekend: Design, Music, Or OMG PARISHILTON'SBIGMOVIE

Jessica · 05/06/05 03:15PM

· It's everything and the kitchen sink at Brooklyn Designs this weekend: over 40 local firms present the latest in everything from furniture to artwork to houseware, all constructed from the remnants of discarded Pabst cans. [flavorpill]
· Slate's David Edelstein offers up our favorite dig on Paris Hilton's acting chops in House of Wax thus far: "Her vacant expression with a steel rod through her head is no different from her expression the rest of the time." We're still totally seeing it anyway. [Fandango]
· Hip-hop's favorite laptop-wielding electo-nerd, Prefuse 73, takes the stage tonight at Bowery. [flavorpill]
· San Francisco's Barry McGee brings his street-infused "unique visual language" (we had to look that up) to Deitch Projects today for an exhibition titled "One More Thing." [Deitch]
· Australia's Lucksmiths bring their indie pop to the Knitting Factory tonight; make them feel at home by dumping Foster's on your head. [KF]

The Grammer Falls

mark · 05/06/05 12:01PM

By now, you've probably heard that former Frasier star Kelsey Grammer had a little gravitational mishap at Disneyland the other way, and we teased late yesterday that video of the fall exists on the internets. A generous reader just passed along a working link to footage of the stage-dive. Enjoy, and also peruse this account of the event that we were waiting to post once we had the accompany visual material, because we at Defamer are committed to making your multimedia experience of a famous person falling as satisfying as possible:

Knockin' Boots With Our Sponsors

Jessica · 05/06/05 11:50AM

Thanks to this week's advertisers, who paid for last night's tequila bath and this morning's stomach pump. Interested in the party? More info here.

Team Party Crash: Hollywould's Fiesta Forever Bash

Jessica · 05/06/05 11:22AM

Holly takes her daily multivitamin — never on an empty stomach, Holly!
Holly Dunlap, everyone's favorite boozy cobbler, has been nominated for a CDFA Award for her shoe line, Hollywould. So she decided to celebrate by opening up her NoLiTa boutique after hours for a Cinco de Mayo bash called "Fiesta Forever (All Night Long)" (good luck getting that one out of your head). Village Voice photographer Jennifer Snow and special correspondent Noelle Hancock report. Five-inch heels, gossip reporter bloodletting, and a small lesson in supply-side economics after the jump.

Gossip Roundup: Britney's Dipstick Smells Like Pee

Jessica · 05/06/05 10:36AM

· Online casino pays just over $5000 for what is allegedly Britney Spears' used pregnancy test. Dear readers, this is exactly what rock bottom feels like. [Celebrity Justice]
· A new biography alleges that Frank Sinatra was a rapist; and now, the author of said tome will mysteriously disappear in about 3 days. [R&M]
· At the opening night of Sweet Charity, Gwyneth Paltrow refuses to play nice with photogs and Donald Trump falls asleep during the performance. [Lowdown (2nd item)]
· Draw the shades, light some candles, and bust out your Sarah McLachlan albums: Dreamy Jake Gyllenhaal has been spotted in the arms of Catalina Sandino Moreno from Maria Full of Grace. [Page Six]

Our Brilliant Readers: My, How You Judge!

Jessica · 05/06/05 09:23AM

Invigliator: yesterday, there was the most hilarious thing on gawker in the last 2 years.
Gawker: oh?
Invigliator: the picture of Rick Marin. are you kidding me?
Invigliator: he's a TOXIC CAD?
Invigliator: in what world?
Gawker: sigh.

Consulate Bombing: We Got the NYPD Blues

Jesse · 05/06/05 08:00AM

Maybe they're right, that the boob tube really does shorten our attention spans. Because we can't begin to understand why the NYPD still has no clue on yesterday's consulate bombing in midtown (they're not even sure the Brits were the target anymore) when we know Sipowicz would have figured it out, found the skell junkie behind it, and even had a quick existential crisis, all in just an hour. (Even better: Fontana and Green would have it wrapped up in just a half-hour or so, because McCoy needs his chance to work up some righteous indignation.) It sucks when life isn't like TV. JO

To Do: Jose de Drunk-Ass

Jessica · 05/05/05 02:10PM

· Wanna hold your own in a conversation on music without actually going through the trouble of listening to the stuff? Join the authors of "The Rock Snob*s Dictionary" (asterisk is intentional, not a drunken slip-up on our part) at Jack's Stir Brew Coffee for a reading replete with musical accompaniment. [Snob]
· Indie press not indie enough for you? Go celebrate the release of Pindeldyboz Magazine's 5th edition at Galapagos in Williamsburg, where everyone will be more underground than you. Special guests include Jollyship the Whizbang, likely the only punk-rock pirate puppet show on the planet. [Pindeldyboz]
· Mexican, Schmexican: Cinco de Mayo is just a convenient excuse to drink margaritas. Do it to it at the Delancey tonight, where 'Sup mag throws a partay with James F*cking Friedman on the decks. Again with the asterisk. [flavorpill]

Lies, Damned Lies, and Sex Tips

Jesse · 05/05/05 01:45PM

The gurus in Nerve's "Sex Advice From" column today? Publicists. Which is why we're not at all surprised to see lying advocated as a way to get good press:

Consulate Bombing: Never Give In, Never Give In, Never, Never, Never, Never

Jesse · 05/05/05 11:28AM

What was the goal of this morning's bombings at the British consulate in midtown? To somehow affect the British election, happening today? To somehow affect New Yorkers, who aren't terribly fond of bombings? To screw up Third Avenue traffic? A certain British playboy-about-town acquaintance of ours suggests that maybe it was a plot to silence Tina Brown. Her Knight in shining armo(u)r, hubby Harry Evans, was scheduled to co-host "a British Elections Night Party" (the invitation, natch, is rather restrained) tonight at that very consulate. Coincidence?