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Holly takes her daily multivitamin — never on an empty stomach, Holly!
Holly Dunlap, everyone's favorite boozy cobbler, has been nominated for a CDFA Award for her shoe line, Hollywould. So she decided to celebrate by opening up her NoLiTa boutique after hours for a Cinco de Mayo bash called "Fiesta Forever (All Night Long)" (good luck getting that one out of your head). Village Voice photographer Jennifer Snow and special correspondent Noelle Hancock report. Five-inch heels, gossip reporter bloodletting, and a small lesson in supply-side economics after the jump.

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A Spike Lee/Broken Elbow Joint, with casting by Lennox Hill Hospital.

Team Party Crash coming to you live (well, alive, anyway) from Hollywould's Cinco de Mayo bash. For those of you who don't know, Cinco de Mayo is the Mexican St. Patrick's Day in the sense that everyone gets wasted with impunity but doesn't really know why, and bars still end up knee-deep in green vomit — but this time it's because of the guacamole instead of green beer.

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Sure, the shoe wasn't a perfect date, but at least it bought her dinner and put out at the end of the night.

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A good vein is hard to find. Don't we know it.

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"Are you there, God? It's me, Chris."*

*While getting another Corona, Chris "The Face" Rovzar of the Daily News' Rush and Molloy column cuts his hand open on the bottle opener. No one realizes this, including Chris, until after he'd managed to smear blood on his shirt and the back of his pants. He's a woman now.

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Four shoes conversing. Yeah, it's hacky — deal with it.

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Message in a bottle: "Chug, pledge, Chug!"

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As it turns out, the wizard behind the curtain was kinda hot.

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Pity that they misspelled "Hollywood" on all these pretty shoes...

The name "Hollywould" is supposed to reflect Holly's adventurous personality: As in, "Holly would do anything" (except make shoes we can afford). Her dresses start at $650 and her shoes typically run in the $400-$500 range. "The reason the shoes are so expensive is because the Euro keeps going up and the shoes are made in Italy." Sure, Holly, blame it on the Euro — it's the new "rain."

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Holly takes out the trash, and we don't mean Amy Sohn. Just kidding, of course. Amy wasn't even there!

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Has Natasha Lyonne reappeared for a public round of doggie molesting? No, thank God.

"Preppy blond girls in sundresses drinking beers on the street. This is like like Palm Beach gone slumming," observes Natalie Krinsky, author of Chloe Does Yale. "Kind of a Lily Pulitzer ad gone, very very wrong." True that. Holly, who used to work for Lily Pulitzer, has downed two Coronas and is on her third shot. It's 9 p.m. She is an animal.

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Doing her part to prevent scurvy.

I'm surprised that Lucy Sykes and Euan Rellie aren't here because Holly had attended their breakfast that morning celebrating Lucy Sykes Baby clothing. Isn't that the "I'll scratch your back" rule of socializing? I'll get wasted at your party if you'll get shithoused at mine? Photog Jen Snow points out that there was no drinking at the baby breakfast. Maybe for her.

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Everybody in the club getting tipsy (including our photographer, apparently).

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Alas, after Ariel was granted her legs in exchange for her voice, all she could do was smile.

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Shortly after this picture was taken, the shoes moved on to tequila shots and all hell broke loose.

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Fortunately, we were able to digitally delete the feces this woman accidentally stepped in. But the memory of losing control of our bowels at a party will last forever.

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The MacKenzie's house was always popular on Halloween.

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These are the people that hide in the pool drain and eat your diving pennies and you, if you get too close. Never know it from looking at them, huh?

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The results of your catscan.

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At white suburban schools, the "Shoot Tequlia, Not Your Classmates" crime prevention program was a hit. So to speak.

Lionel Richie lied. At the "Fiesta Forever" bash, "all night long" turned out to be around midnight. But, then, that probably wouldn't have sounded as good. Feliz Cinco de Mayo, darlings! Necessito un advil y un botella muy grande de Gatorade.