· It's everything and the kitchen sink at Brooklyn Designs this weekend: over 40 local firms present the latest in everything from furniture to artwork to houseware, all constructed from the remnants of discarded Pabst cans. [flavorpill]
· Slate's David Edelstein offers up our favorite dig on Paris Hilton's acting chops in House of Wax thus far: "Her vacant expression with a steel rod through her head is no different from her expression the rest of the time." We're still totally seeing it anyway. [Fandango]
· Hip-hop's favorite laptop-wielding electo-nerd, Prefuse 73, takes the stage tonight at Bowery. [flavorpill]
· San Francisco's Barry McGee brings his street-infused "unique visual language" (we had to look that up) to Deitch Projects today for an exhibition titled "One More Thing." [Deitch]
· Australia's Lucksmiths bring their indie pop to the Knitting Factory tonight; make them feel at home by dumping Foster's on your head. [KF]