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Even in the days when striking a rolling hoop with a stick was considered a cutting-edge diversion, marketers lured the celebrities of the day to publicize the launch of a faster hoop and stiffer hoop-striking implement. In exchange for their endorsement, free hooch was proffered and images of their delight in the New Product were captured on daguerrotype. Last night, the celebrity-product marketing machine chugged on essentially unchanged, as young stars guzzled free booze, played videogames, and took in some bands to promote the new Xbox, while their fun was recorded for an MTV special. A Defamer operative files a brief report from the celeb-littered Xbox launch shindig: [Spoiler alert! Don't read if you want to wait for the MTV special to know that CC Deville showed up!!!]

The Killers and Snow Patrol performed for MTV's special which was hosted by Elijah Wood last night in a celeb-filled clusterfuck at the Avalon/Spider Club.

The amusing part was that none of the celebrities knew it was a taping that's gonna to air next Thursday on MTV and just thought it was a concert with Xboxess all over the place. The celebs kept leaving the VIP area when the Killers would stop and then running back when Elijah would do another take to re-introduce them and they would play some more songs. The smart ones, like Tony Kanal stayed where they were to listen to the whole performance— but Alyssa Milano and that kid from Everwood got denied entrance to VIP when they tried to come back in. Also saw Ryan Phillippe, Breckin Meyer, Scarlet Johansson, Robbie Williams, Tony Hawk, Xzibit, Travis Barker, Ashlee Simpson, Ryan Cabrera (very separately), Jeremy Piven, Turtle from Entourage and the smash-tastic director Michael Bay.

As the evening wore down, Bay tried to keep the party going by grabbing a couple of Xbox and violently rolling them end-over-end across the floor. When his go-to stunt failed to elicit the reaction he expected, he then set the game consoles on fire.