
How a Lie on a Harvard Application Ended in Larceny, Fraud Charges

Maureen O'Connor · 05/17/10 06:33PM

Someone hit the "panic" button beside Larry Summers' desk—the Ivory Tower has been breached! A 23-year-old former Harvard student, Adam Wheeler, stands accused of lying in his Harvard, Fulbright, and Rhodes applications, and now faces 20 criminal charges.

Butt-Chugging: What Is It, and Who's Doing It?

Elaine Moran & Frank Cozzarelli · 05/12/10 01:45PM

Young people will stop at nothing to get messed up. YouTube is flush with videos of misguided youths introducing alcohol to their nether regions, so we went to Union Square to get to the bottom of this mysterious trend.

Should Colleges Ask Applicants If They're Gay?

Brian Moylan · 02/26/10 04:36PM

There is a debate in the academic community about whether or not schools should add a voluntary question about sexual orientation to their applications. They definitely should. After surviving high school, these gay students deserve a prize!

How NOT to Apply for a Job: The Art of Video Resumes

Adrian Muniz · 02/23/10 04:09PM

Trying to make yourself appealing to employers in these tough economic times? Note—this includes you, Tufts—video resumes are not the answer. People will laugh at you, including people who usually get paid to be laughed at. Here's why.

Cornell Braces for Deadhead Hippie Invasion

Doree Shafrir · 02/11/10 02:01PM

Cornell students just received an email from the University Police, warning them about an imminent, and dangerous, threat to their safety: Deadheads. Hey, we'd be nervous too.