The Cornell Daily Sun spoke to a source at UCLA, "John," who deals weed on campus, about the upcoming November vote in California to legalize marijuana. As a stoner, he likes it. As a businessman, it's bad news.

He's worried that a saturated, legal market will kill his business, and that the heady days of being the cool guy on campus will soon be over. He might even have to get a job. Reporter Lucy Li has the story:

John, a junior at UCLA, is worried. For the past three years, he has been earning extra cash at school by dealing marijuana, and an if a new legislation passes in November, he might have to get a less lucrative job, such as filing books at the library.

"It's time that the government legalized pot," John, who declined to give his last name, said. "I probably need to find something else to do, but in terms of pot itself, everyone already does it. There's no point in keeping it restricted."

Some of the faculty at Cornell are into the idea and want guys like John put out of business:

To the extent that legalization would mean that the person selling you marijuana would no longer necessarily know where you can find heroin, this would be a very good thing," Prof. Emily Owens, PAM, who teaches a course on the economics of drugs and gangs, said.

But the nerds at Cornell have much bigger worries when it comes to getting high. How on earth can they pass on that joint when they know for sure that their grades will suffer?

Others have pointed to studies, such as one conducted by the RAND corporation, which show that smoking marijuana reduces math standardized test scores by 15 percent.

15 percent! Eh, whatever. You can worry about getting good grades and looking for those non-existent, post-college jobs later, Mr. College Weed Dealer. There are far more pressing issues at hand. Just ask John.

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