Comment of the Day: The Case Against College

Today we looked at overzealous collegers finishing school in three years. We thought that wasn't enough time! One commenter disagreed. They didn't think there should be any college. Well, for some people at least.
College is nothing more than extended daycare these days and I am sick of hearing how to make it relevant to a group of people who should have never gotten in to start.
Less than a third of that third mentioned in the article is the group that actually needs to attend college. Licensed professionals such as lawyers, doctors, teachers? Check.
Communications majors? Nope.
Marketing/PR types? Go get an internship and learn it on the job.
College is even wasted on journalists who up until the 1960's were basically getting on the job training and ethics as cub reporters. Now Columbia awards "journalists" degrees who literally couldn't write a paragraph if their lives depended on it. Want proof?
And he's supposed to be one of the brighter ones.*
Yeah, there are a lot of kids that need the extra time to mature. But you know what else matures you, tout suite? A menial fucking job. It's amazing how fast some of you little college shits have to grow up when you're confronted with low wages and standing on your fucking feet 8 hours a day. It also is a wonderful preview to the rest of your pointless life.
Save the 3 year rush, save your money and save your "extraordinary intellect" for making a "career" because here's the biggest secret Indiana University doesn't want you to know:
That Mass Media and Psychology of the Internet class is useless to you and every other student in the class.Yes Rupert Murdoch can and does use some of that information, but you are not Rupert and you never will be. You will be failure because you have neither the connections, synapses or the will to ascend to such a high position. You are the scum and cannon fodder. The wet holes for the aristocracy to insert themselves into when they temporarily tire of ruling you at the end of their gilded day.
In short, you are not college material.
*This comment in no way reflects Gawker's feelings about the linked-to author or The Awl. Well, The Awl sucks and is for jerks and you should only read Gawker, ever. But everyone knows that.