The Projectionist: 'Amityville' House Haunted By Sweaty, Well-Defined Abs
mark · 04/15/05 04:05PM
We've gotten pretty bold over the last couple of weeks after an impressive string of relative accuracy in our predictions. We even called the death of a world leader before it happened! So we'll continue to flex our prognosticating muscles and foretell another baseball steroid suspension involving a player you've never heard of. Book it.
Monday Morning Box Office: McConaughey Is The World's Biggest Star
mark · 04/11/05 10:30AM
After another weekend of pretty spot-on projections, we're starting to worry that our newfound accuracy in prognostication is a sign that something bad's going to happen. But the good news, of course, is that God doesn't have to kill another Pulitzer Prize winner this week, a tragedy we promised would come to pass should our predictions be wanting.