Monday Morning Box Office: McConaughey Is The World's Biggest Star

After another weekend of pretty spot-on projections, we're starting to worry that our newfound accuracy in prognostication is a sign that something bad's going to happen. But the good news, of course, is that God doesn't have to kill another Pulitzer Prize winner this week, a tragedy we promised would come to pass should our predictions be wanting.
1. Sahara—$18.5 million
According to the AP, "Distributor Paramount had expected the movie to debut in the $15 million range, said Wayne Lewellen, head of distribution." Funny how that works, huh? After a modest debut, the distribution guy says that the studio had even smaller number in mind, and voila!, the New Paramount™ somehow triumphs with a bad product that was jammed up in the old regime's bowels.
2. Sin City—$14.1 million
There's something comforting in the fact that even though Sin City lost fifty percent of its opening weekend gross, it still had enough gas in the tank to keep Fever Pitch down. It's the little things that get you through Monday morning.
3. Fever Pitch—$13 million
Let's just call Fever Pitch's underwhelming debut the Curse of Taxi and be done with it, shall we?
4. Guess Who/Beauty Shop—$7.1 million (tie)
Should the tie still be in effect after the official results are released later today, the knotted camps will have to observe the traditional box office tie-breaker ritual: Queen Latifah will brandish a rusty screwdriver and Ashton Kutcher a Nerf football as they battle to the death in a steel cage at Universal CityWalk. Sorry, Ashton, you can't fight tradition. Get your tetanus shots now.