Monday Morning Box Office: 'Sin City' Is Delightfully Sinful!

Mourn the passing of a beloved spiritual leader with Hollywood's version of the rosary—a recitation of the weekend box office numbers.
1. Sin City—$28.1 million
Because we don't usually have so much "success predicting the box office," sometimes it makes us feel good to brag when we get it correct. We guessed that Sin City would take in $27 million, and that the Pope would die over the weekend. You know how that turned out. Also, we lined up on Friday night to have a look, even having never read any of the graphic novels that inspired the movie. And? Spoiler alert: Bruce Willis ripping off that dude's yellow junk was worth the ten bucks all by itself.
2. Beauty Shop—$13.5 million
For this to make any sense, you must visualize us snapping our fingers in the air and affecting the speech patterns of one of the hilarious characters in BAPS, or anyone ordering a cocktail at the Abbey: Gurl, it ain't no Diary of a Mad Black Woman. But we still lurve ya, Latifah!
3. Guess Who—$13 million
Sometimes we like to use a joke twice, employing the technique known as a "callback," which saves us from having to think up an entirely new joke. Guuuurrrl, this ain't no Just Married.
4. Robots—$10 million
Robots' fourth-place finish is more a testament to the utter failure of Miss Congeniality 2 than it is a statement of how a moderately successful kids' movie can find its "legs" a few weeks into release.
5. Miss Congeniality 2—$8.4 million
Sadly, Sandy Bullock might find herself making more ill-conceived sequels in the future. We're really looking forward to The Net 2: Revenge of the Internets and Speed 3: Somewhat Faster.