The Projectionist: The Pope Will Die This Weekend

After last week's inexplicable success with the forecast, we've vowed to try harder to return to our inaccurate roots. Wish us luck.
1. Sin City—$27 million
We're bravely putting our black little hearts behind this one the way that we did behind the similarly risk-taking Sky Captain, and we all know how Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow fared with that one. Another blockbuster cast (not so fast, Bruce Willis!), more groundbreaking, computer-generated visuals...we're ready to love anyway and again be crushed by the box office numbers.
Note: If you're looking for the movie's homepage, it's NOT Just an FYI for those who don't want a surprise visit from the company's web-surfing police.
2. Beauty Shop—$19 million
If we were a part of the chronically underserved urban female demographic, we'd be all over this one. But since we're male and as terminally honkey as the day is long, we're going to save it for our Netflix list and keep our secret love of Queen Latifah vehciles safe from public scrutiny. Hey, have you heard Mena Suvari's position on breast implants?
3. Guess Who—$12 million
We're just glad that there's someone out there who's even more terminally honkified than we are.
4. Miss Congeniality 2—$8 million
Even the gays have abandoned the once-sainted Sandy Bullock for this crime against camp. She's going to have to play Divine in a Pink Flamingos remake to win everybody back.
5. Robots—$7 million
We've completely exhausted commentary on this one, but we're kind of digging our idea for stunt-casting Sandra Bullock right now. Someone should make that happen.