
Blogorrhea NYC: Clearly Not Trying Very Hard

abalk2 · 06/14/06 04:30PM

• Seen Vincent Gallo lately? Of course you have, you live in New York. [#1HS]
• Rick Bruner gives you the scoop on the recent raid at the Bulgarian Bar. As it turns out, cops showed up. [Bruner Blog]
• Blogger admits to empty content, repetitiveness. Yeah, we've read that one already. [Clublife]

Blogorrhea NYC: Breaking the Law and Breaking a Sweat

abalk2 · 06/13/06 03:20PM

• Puerto Rican Independence Day gives you no right to smoke on the Subway - or to be an uptight hipster douchebag. []
• There is a code of behavior for straight men attending Bud-sponsored parties for the Tonys: It involves dancing and acting like a gay man. [The Daily Dump]
• It's good to know that there's still people out there who will go out of their way to preserve the few remaining shreds of rock-n-roll greatness - even to the floor of a crowded subway car. [Languor Management]

Blogorrhea NYC: Messages, Subliminal and Delayed

Jesse · 06/08/06 03:10PM

• We always suspected those ads on the subway might contain subliminal messages. Today, we're no closer to being sure either way. [Hot Johnny]
• A free facial in exchange for giving an English lesson? A worthwhile deal? Perhaps not. [alongthoselines]
• When you run over someone while Rollerblading, sure you could apologize to them in person. But that's so predictable. Isn't it more fun to do it after the fact, on your blog, which your victim almost certainly doesn't read? [Drunk & Single in NYC]

Blogorrhea NYC: Crimes and Misdemeanors

Jesse · 06/02/06 03:10PM

• The NYPD's program to "etch" your iPod helps facilitate the recovery of your stolen electronics — and can help you flirt with your favorite writing cop. [The Tomato Diaries]
• The Strangers With Candy movie premiere was last night. Where were you? [The Apiary]
• It's good to know that parents feel the city is safe enough to let their child accept snacks from a complete stranger. But, really, Combos? [The Assimilated Negro]

Blogorrhea NYC: Tuna Is Delicious

Jesse · 06/01/06 05:00PM

• A positive interaction with your sandwich guy not only puts a smile on your face but also ensures your sandwich remains bodily-fluid-free. [Logged Hours]
• Ah, experiencing your first Bed-Stuy shooting. They say you always remember your first one. [High Class Jackass]
• There's a good argument for why the MTA should charge really fat people more. And, of course, it's all for the children. Always for the children. [Things That Make You Go "Hmmm"]
• East Harlem elementary schoolers do the darnedest things — like painter murals that amuse cynical grown-ups. [Undiscovered Superstar]

Blogorrhea NYC: Adventures in Ballplaying

Jesse · 05/31/06 03:30PM

• You can't play with your balls in Sheep Meadow. The signs say so, and so does one bitchy Frisbee player.[Amish in the City]
• You must always maintain positive relations with your newspaper vendor, even if sometimes his accent makes it impossible to hear what he's saying. [Ham & Cheese on Wry]
• A couple comprised of an attractive Asian accompanied by an Asian — not white — guy? The Jersey Shore is full of surprises. [The Muk Report]

Blogorrhea NYC: Objectionable People, of Various Varieties

Jesse · 05/30/06 03:00PM

• Best overheard subway remark ever: "Whatever, that Amish boy totally lied, because he said it was a dwarf rabbit, and it grew up to be a full grown cat." [You Can't Make It Up]
• Even when staring certain death straight in the face, i-bankers continue to be drunken, obnoxious douchebags. [Leveraged Sellout]
• Photographic evidence that Tony Danza remains alive and well and capable of doing at least three chin-ups. [Confessions of a Celebrity Stalker]
• If you're going to shop at Agent Provocateur, please be advised that your breasts will be on display to all of Mercer Street. [The Company Bitch]

Blogorrhea NYC: Thank You, Come Again

Jesse · 05/24/06 03:28PM

• An exit strategy is always important, never more so than when you're leaving a club and want to make it out alive. [Clublife]
• Ladies, remember this: New York's single hetero men, at least according to one, find neither ballerina flats nor Mischa Barton to be particularly hot. [ScorchedHotTub]
• Bored at work? You should try sending out fake responses to Craigslist housing ads. You already do that? Oh. [Fresh Pepper?]

Blogorrhea NYC: Hipsters, Celebs, and Celebrity Hipsters

Jesse · 05/23/06 05:16PM

• Williamsburg isn't just a great place for the spending down of trust funds, the development and distribution of irony, and the outfitting of hipsters. It's apparently also a great place to get good beer. [Metroblogs NYC]
• In the East Village, Chloe Sevigny's leg cause accidents. We think. [Almost Literary]
• Everyone loves the new Apple store. Especially the SNL cast, which walked away with stacks of free merch — and, natch, we're recording doing so. Thanks, YouTube. [The Apiary]

Blogorrhea NYC: Cars, Pee, and iPods

Jesse · 05/22/06 04:01PM

• Yes, Virginia, there is justice meted out to the Ferrari-driving douchebags from Jersey. Everyone once in a while, at least. [Monkeys in My Pants!]
• A drug test makes you consider: Could you test positive for your boyfriend's pot habit? Or for his ethnic background? [The Three-Toed Sloth]
• The R train: Absolutely intolerable to begin with, that much worse when your iPod craps out on you. [You Can't Make It Up]

Blogorrhea NYC: Fun With Unsolicited Advice!

Jesse · 05/19/06 03:45PM

• Class of '06, here's the ghost of Christmas Future. And it's telling you to stop getting drunk and join a gym. [This Is What We Do Now]
• The hilarity of overhearing a flaming homo talking to his mother at the corner Starbucks, both of them pretending that he's not gay, will never get old. [The Liam McEneaney Experience]
• Subway ads suck. Except for the one with the hot non-English speakers. [Shaking Her Assets]
• The Roots at Radio City is a night to remember. Unless, of course, you're too baked to rememeber. [The Assimilated Negro]

Blogorrhea NYC: Be Pround of Your Peanut M&Ms

Jesse · 05/17/06 04:38PM

• Attention, New York City youth: If you expect to make money selling candy on streets and subways, you have to believe in your product. [LianneStokes]
• One of the great questions of our time: How much shit do you really need to visit your parents in Westchester? [This Is What We Do Now]
• Guidos even use cell phones differently from the rest of us. [Clublife]
• A true New York doesn't need a watch; she's got NY1. [The Tomato Diaries]
• Nothing is safe from the Look Book - not even celebrity's pets. [Chat with Robin & Renee]