
FM Publishing might add a portal page

ndouglas · 02/24/06 09:58AM

Federated Media Publishing is launching a portal page, according to an unconfirmed a confirmed rumor. Think 9rules, but with much bigger players. The massive blog collective (founded by former Industry Standard founder John Battelle) sells ads for Boing Boing, Fark, and a few other hefty blog titles.

Remainders: Let's slay this ogre and discuss your business plan

ndouglas · 02/10/06 09:51PM

Geeky investor Joi Ito says the new golf isn't extreme biking, it's World of Warcraft. []
Pixar's taking over Toy Story 3, not shelving it. A power play against Lasseter, or can he wring more magic from the series? [Moviehole]
Google can keep a copy of your tax records, love letters, and porn folder, and they promise not to peek — as long as that's considered evil, anyway. [EFF]
Get in on the ground floor (or own a piece of doomed software history) — order a Flockstar tee. [Factory Joe]
Homeland Security saves the Internet from hackers and, um, bloggers in a simulation. They probably cheated and skipped the "Cory Doctorow of Mass Destruction" simulation. [Newsvine]

Yahoo employee helps blogger find boobies

ndouglas · 02/08/06 02:04PM

It's been rumored that over 80% of Flickr photos are porn. Blogger Eran Globen innocently wondered why he can't find the nakedness. "Where's all the boobies?" he asked.

Perez Hilton Makes Us Hate Ourselves

Jesse · 02/06/06 04:56PM

We often tell people that bloggers aren't the crazy, braying, entirely unprincipled people the old-media graybeards like to say we are. Sure, we process information faster, and we're more willing to publish things we're not sure are true so long as we say we're not sure they're true, we always say, but really we work symbiotically with old media, and we're still good people.

Microsoft Search Champs: Payola or just a good conference?

ndouglas · 02/03/06 10:31PM

Our geeky sister was one of over 50 techies invited to Microsoft Search Champs V4. Attendees in the company's Redmond base heard about the new technologies in Vista. And the "Evil Empire" was quite kind to its visitors. Gina says they paid her expenses and "wined, dined and showered me with gifts," but with no quid pro quo that she had to write about it. But she did — as fairly as she could.

Perez Hilton says anything for a line

ndouglas · 01/31/06 10:52AM

Weblogs, Inc. mogul Jason Calacanis caught up with gossip blogger Perez Hilton at a Sundance party. In a fit of inexplicable pleasure at Perez's humor, the self-proclaimed future CEO of AOL did the professional thing — he blogged it.

Homelessness Is the New Blogging

ndouglas · 01/24/06 02:43AM

Cyberpunk writer Paul di Filippo tells of the San Francisco of the future, in which a dozen named bloggers, most of whom have print gigs and none of whom actually hail from the city, wander around San Francisco's fugtastic Transamerica Pyramid. Filippo runs into BoingBoinger Cory Doctorow: