Remainders: Werner Herzog Makes A Suggestion Involving Sex and Travel
abalk2 · 03/24/06 05:30PM
• "You can't out-slut a pussy full of Pam." Our Grandma used to say that all the time. [Jossip]
• Church of Scientology to buy Neverland? Well, it might be nice to see that place a little more normal. [Cityrag]
• Toby Young says Graydon Carter will be the next head of Paramount. Yep. [Defamer]
• Online sports coverage may be unreliable. Everything else online is completely, 100 percent aboveboard. [ Gelflog]
• Streisand to tour again. This is where the joke playing on the words "happy" and "gay" goes. [USAT]
• When Lee Kazimir learns that what Herzog really said was the German equivalent of, "Take a long walk off a short pier," he's gonna be pissed. [AP]
• Viewed from close up, Katherine Harris doesn't look at all scary or drag queenish. [Wonkette]
• And all along we thought that Andrew Sarris was boring the hell out of us with original prose. [The Reeler]
• Bloggers to wed. Is it just us or does the thought of bloggers having sex with each other make you want to take, oh, about a thousand showers? [Media Mob/NYO]
• Consumerist readers name Halliburton as the worst company in America. Next month, they'll name the color of the sky as blue. [Consumerist]
• The Bonsai Potato. Give us a break; it's Friday. We want to get out of here. [The Bonsai Potato]
What Danny Sullivan hates about Google
ndouglas · 03/23/06 12:56AMWell of course Danny Sullivan already wrote his story, "25 Things I Hate About Google." When he posted his "25 Things I Love" counterpart at ClickZ today, it should have been clear he was repurposing a week-old idea from his own ClickZ site, Search Engine Watch — idea recycling is what we bloggers do. And he'd already carried that idea to the other side with a hate list.
Translating Danny Sullivan
ndouglas · 03/22/06 07:04PMIt's fair, it's hard-hitting, it's "25 Things I Love About Google" by blogger Danny Sullivan. Sure, the Search Engine Watch editor will run 25 things he hates in his next column, but meanwhile he'll give some hero worship. But if you read between the lines you can see the real message — or the fake message that I made up:
Another damn update
ndouglas · 03/20/06 04:22PMWhere are the tech bloggers? Issue 1: Jason Fried covers his tracks
ndouglas · 03/20/06 02:43PMUpdate roundup: No Cruise for you
ndouglas · 03/20/06 11:23AMDave Winer countdown: When will the hurting stop?
ndouglas · 03/17/06 03:25PMRemainders: Cute, Soft, and Furry
Jessica · 03/16/06 06:35PM
• After two articles warning about its dangerous effects (sleepwalking, sleepdriving, sleepeating, appearing in Times pieces), the NYT editorializes against Ambien. Someone on 43rd Street must be fat, tired, and cranky as hell. [NYT]
• Blogger teaches you to Photoshop yourself into a picture with David Cross. Other option: Take a picture with one of the ten million guys below 14th Street who look just like David Cross. [Low Culture ]
• Manolo Blahnik thinks Sarah Jessica Parker "vulgarized his name." Just wait until he sees what happens to his shoes in the SJP-produced Jessica Cutler series. [Daily Transom]
• Writers demand money for blogging. Yeah, like there's a successful business model behind that concept. [Washington City Paper]
• Former recording artist Tom Robinson ("2-4-6-8 Motorway") thinks that the only thing wrong with James Blunt is that he's too successful. This explains why Tom Robinson is now a former recording artist. [The Guardian]
• Remember that hairy lobster that freaked everyone out last week? He's now an adorable plush toy! We're suddenly excited for the next Flaming Lips tour. [mediatinker]
FM Publishing gets fresh money
ndouglas · 03/16/06 01:00PMTrust TrustedID — cause Mikey likes it
ndouglas · 03/14/06 04:50PM
Michael Arrington, the hot new wunderblogger fueling Bubble Boom 2.0 on TechCrunch, left a fancy life in law for the infamously poor life that all bloggers supposedly endure. But six months down the road, he's concerned enough about his wealth to lock that baby down with Draper Fisher Jurveston-funded TrustedID.
Hammer's got a startup
ndouglas · 03/13/06 09:04PMAncient history: Pyra Labs in '99
ndouglas · 03/13/06 08:54PMMeg Hourihan dug up a pic (640x480 original) of her partner Evan Williams at Pyra Labs in their pre-Blogger days — ages before Google snapped up the little development company, and in the first golden age of idea whiteboards. Haven't tried calling that phone number at the top, but special love (and a comment account) to anyone with the nerve to do it.
Dave Winer will quit blogging
ndouglas · 03/13/06 04:00PMDooce and Kottke: or, totally stealing Blogebrity's beat
ndouglas · 03/12/06 03:00PMTwo non-Silicon Valley bloggers speak at SXSW today — Heather Armstrong of Dooce and Jason Kottke of, who rule the blogosphere, Valley and off-Valley, from basement desks in Salt Lake City and NYC. Jason funded his blog through reader contributions; Heather through advertising. They're doing an overstuffed-chair interview (so Oprah!) now. Choppy highlights follow.
Flock and Next Internet: theft or a sign from above?
ndouglas · 03/09/06 03:15AM9rules designer/blogger Mike Rundle was quick to notice that business incubator Next Internet (covered here) borrowed a teensy bit (by which I mean all) of the site design from eternally-alpha-testing browser Flock. The two sites are uncannily twinlike — identical fonts, identical basic color schemes, and two toolbars you'd never tell apart. But should we assume there was theivery just because Next Internet is Flock's perfect doppelganger?
Geeking out: ETech 2006
ndouglas · 03/07/06 02:37PMThe O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference (or ETech for the impatient) is in full swing today, after a rousing start on Monday. The event sold out ages ago, but through the magic of Scott Beale's photography, we can pretend we made it in. (If you want to pretend you met Cory Doctorow and he loved your sci-fi story idea, have that fantasy on your own.) Here are highlights from Scott's meticulous Monday photojournalism.
Gorgeous Google Gals: Kimbalina vs. Trisha Weir
ndouglas · 03/03/06 01:00PMWe have a feeling this will be a fierce fight — both Kimbalina and Trisha seem to have fan clubs. Well, here, I'll let you have at it:
Remainders: The Michael Arrington proximity meter
ndouglas · 03/02/06 02:53AM
In case you didn't catch it earlier (we didn't), Lot 49 built a thorough Google Evil Scale. Includes the wise corporate maxim, "Don't be an accessory to evil." [Google Corporate Information: Making Money]
A petition tells AOL to drop its new certified mail system (where users pay to get whitelisted and free e-mails end up getting spam-filtered away). Signers include the Democratic National Committee, Craig Newmark of Craigslist, the AFL-CIO, and others. Better plan: let AOL carry on, thus ensuring that the last poor fools using AOL mail will finally leave. [Dear AOL]
Blogger Michael Arrington, running from the hordes of TechCrunch party guests, may flee to London so his sixth party can actually fit inside the venue. [CrunchNotes]
A little groaning about Apple's less-than-fun Tuesday announcement. Bloggers can't decide whether to hate Apple for not changing the world again this month, or to hate each other for posting fake photos of an iPod Video. [Good Morning Silicon Valley]
Michael Arrington can't be as positive as he always sounds on TechCrunch, can he? Today's "Mike's true feelings" meter: How much distance is between him and the entrepreneurs he's always photographed with? For instance, Mike's keeping some distance from the Israeli businessmen pictured above (that's him on the far right). But that one overlapped arm is just enough to say "I won't run away. These guys have a chance." [TechCrunch]