FM Publishing might add a portal page

Federated Media Publishing is launching a portal page, according to an unconfirmed a confirmed rumor. Think 9rules, but with much bigger players. The massive blog collective (founded by former Industry Standard founder John Battelle) sells ads for Boing Boing, Fark, and a few other hefty blog titles.
So the upside is, an FM portal page could put all your time-wasting onto one site. You already refresh Boing Boing and Fark all day, so why not have just one page to suck your life away?
Clever move, Battelle. With these powers combined (Fark! Buzzmachine! Metafilter! Boing Boing! And Ma-Ti, with the power of Heart!) the FM founder can become Captain Intarwebs.
Update: John Battelle says, yeah, they've been planning this all along.
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