Openwag hyperbolizes in Nathan Tyler, the hottest man in Google:

Nathan Tyler's hotness is like a force of perpetual motion, and this causes him to be difficult to photograph. One time Nathan Tyler's hotness made Richard Avedon's light meter explode. He's that hot.

Openwag earns a promotion in Marissa Mayer's not-so-open office:

She works her ass off despite the multiple hundy millions and still remains very accessible. The person moaning above sounds like they just got a crappy annual review.

Kyle Bunch swears he only makes deals at T.G.I.F.'s in Om Malik blows up SF's best cafes:

Chili's is the new golf course. It's where business happens.

— Small Businessman Magazine

Nathan Weinberg crushes our hopes in Niniane the Google blogger:

Actually, she's got a long-term boyfriend. Starting dating him when he was a Google intern. Its all in the blog.

Stowe Boyd scares us all in Tech pundits getting naked: a worrisome trend:

I am willing to strip down. For a price. A big price.

And Spastic Colon scares the homeless in the same entry:

Shel's bear suit could warm quite a few homeless in San Francisco.

For your own shot at 15 seconds of fame, e-mail for a comment invite.