
The Anatomy of the Google Product Cycle

Nick Douglas · 07/03/06 02:52PM

BusinessWeek's hype-killing article on Google's product line has everyone buzzing about the company's product cycle. Guest writer Garry Bibb explains the process — it all starts with a Battlestar Galactica marathon and some Mike's Hard Lemonade.

The Google Checkout trash-talk an EBayer tried to hide

Nick Douglas · 06/29/06 06:27PM

Rule #1 of regrettable blogging: Anything you take down will be posted somewhere else. EBay employee Rogelio Choy will learn that the hard way when his trash-talking post about Google Checkout makes the rounds. Here's a snippet from the blogged, deleted, and posted-elsewhere entry:

Strumpette declares victory in PR catfight

Nick Douglas · 06/22/06 06:58PM

The Sun Microsystems CEO is blogging, Bill Gates is talking on podcasts, and billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban tells reporters to check his blog. It's an age where company heads face their critics and fans directly — for better or worse.

Dvorak shoots for another bait-and-switch

Nick Douglas · 06/19/06 08:51PM

PC Magazine columnist John C. Dvorak follows up the "How I bait Mac users" video (which whipped bloggers into a frenzy) with an "I'm sorry, I'm flabbergasted" column. Now Dvorak says that his baiting trick only worked three times in his career — and that he's amazed how many people blew up at this video.