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Gawker Media's shake-up is all over TechMeme today, thanks to a well-timed New York Times profile of my boss Nick Denton (pictured here being better than you).

The Huffington Post's Eat the Press blog has the whole story and a full copy of the internal Gawker Media all-hands memo.

By the way, rich media startups, take note: Gawker blogs Screenhead and Sploid are on the block, and one assumes the fired Gizmodo editor John Biggs is open to offers as well. (Except from you, Calacanis.)

Just a few nitpicks:

  • Whatever the Times's David Carr implies, Denton doesn't code.
  • Denton officially says we're in a bubble, which means he doesn't "get it," whatever "it" is.
  • Weblogs, Inc. blog emperor Jason Calacanis hasn't gleefully blogged the whole ordeal yet, which means he's either planning a huge post or just sitting on his throne petting his bulldog and mumbling, "Yessss, that's how we likes it."

Shakeup At Gawker Media: Jesse Oxfeld Out; Shuffle Across Blogs; Two Properties Up For Sale [Eat the Press]
A Blog Mogul Turns Bearish on Blogs [NYT]