The Google Checkout trash-talk an EBayer tried to hide

Rule #1 of regrettable blogging: Anything you take down will be posted somewhere else. EBay employee Rogelio Choy will learn that the hard way when his trash-talking post about Google Checkout makes the rounds. Here's a snippet from the blogged, deleted, and posted-elsewhere entry:
By making GBuy free based on Adwords usage, the service might attract any number [of] sellers who use keywords to generate business. (Please explain why this is any different than offering Internet Explorer free with MS' OS?) [...] But let me make something clear... (clears throat) Until BUYERS actually accept and trust a payment mark en masse (ala Paypal or American Express), merchants won't adopt that mark en masse.
Later, Choy calls Google Checkout "evil." His argument, mildly persuasive as it may be, sounds a bit like, "Oh yeah? I'm not afraid of YOU!"