
Edward Snowden Grocery Shops In Russia, May Get a Job In Journalism

Adrian Chen · 10/07/13 10:23AM

Edward Snowden, living in Russia, must eat. Here he is grocery shopping like a normal person. Strange, since his lawyer had told Fox News that he walks around in disguise, but it seems like he could actually wearing the very same blue shirt he appeared in in that youTube video. Not much of a disguise, unless it's an Edward Snowden costume.

Judges Who OK’d NSA Spying Own Lots of Stock in Telecom Companies

J.K. Trotter · 09/17/13 04:00PM

One of the more obscure institutions to emerge from Edward Snowden’s NSA campaign is the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (also known as the FISA court) which, operating in total secrecy, reviews and approves countless secret government orders to monitor and record the communications of Americans — often in tandem with publicly-traded telecommunications firms like AT&T and Verizon. Now that we know the extent to which the FISA courts rulings govern the behavior of telecommunications behemoths, we took a look at the extent to which the court’s judges are personally invested in those very same behemoths. The answer is a lot.

NSA Shares Raw Intelligence with Israel

Adrian Chen · 09/11/13 11:01AM

The U.S. considers Israel its "number one counterintelligence threat" in the Middle East. But that doesn't stop the NSA from sharing a veritable fire hose of raw intelligence with Israeli spies, according to a new story from the Guardian.

NSA Broke Privacy Rules Because It Didn't Understand Its Own Program

Cord Jefferson · 09/10/13 05:20PM

The National Security Agency today acknowledged that it had for years violated privacy protections during searches of a database containing millions of people's phone records. Not to worry, though, because the breaches weren't malicious. They were simply a result of the fact that nobody at the NSA really knew what the fuck they were doing.

Maggie Lange · 09/08/13 01:07PM

The National Security Agency is able to access most data on all major smartphones, according to reporting from the German news weekly Der Spiegel. Dedicate a SnapChat to them.

J.K. Trotter · 09/05/13 01:02PM

The Electronic Frontier Foundation successfully pressured the Justice Department to declassify a raft of secret court opinions permitting the NSA to collect millions of Americans’ phone records. In court documents filed on Wednesday, DOJ officials promised to publish the opinions sometime next week.

Max Read · 09/04/13 08:07AM

"You know, I sometimes thought about him, he is a strange guy[...] How is he going to build his life? In effect, he condemned himself to a rather difficult life. I do not have the faintest idea about what he will do next" — Russian President Vladimir Putin on NSA leaker Edward Snowden

Hamilton Nolan · 08/23/13 02:04PM

The Guardian, lately under heavy pressure from the British government, will be teaming up with the New York Times to produce more stories based on Edward Snowden's leaked information about the NSA. Good.

Screw The NSA, Let's All Move To The 'Quiet Zone'

Adrian Chen · 08/16/13 05:23PM

I'm currently reading James Bamford's definitive history of the NSA, Body of Secrets, because I find that scaring the shit out of myself right before bed helps me sleep better. Amid the book's disheartening narrative of our country's endlessly-expanding surveillance apparatus and how the government has found new and exciting ways to abuse it, I learned about something amazing: The United States National Radio Quiet Zone, a massive plot of land where wi-fi and cell phones are banned, that is nonetheless a hotbed of NSA eavesdropping.