Edward Snowden, living in Russia, must eat. Here he is grocery shopping like a normal person. Strange, since his lawyer had told Fox News that he walks around in disguise, but it seems like he could actually wearing the very same blue shirt he appeared in in that youTube video. Not much of a disguise, unless it's an Edward Snowden costume.

The photo comes from Russia's Life News, which apparently confirmed that this was Snowden with his lawyer, Anatoly Kucherena. Kucherena said Snowden is considering a few job options in publishing and journalism.

He also said, according to Google Translate:

"this photo shows that he lives, as many live in Russia... and it should be noted [he] is quite poor... at the moment he is living on donations... However, the money he has left is very little."

Edward Snowden shops for groceries as the world burns.