And on the First Date, No Less
Jesse · 12/13/05 10:16AMMedia Christmas Potpourri: Philip Roth on the Prowl, 'T+L' Tonight, &c.
Jesse · 12/08/05 05:16PMNYP Can't Keep Its Big Mouth Shut
Jessica · 12/07/05 09:10AMQuit Smoking or the Dog Dies
Jesse · 12/05/05 01:34PM
So last week, you'll recall, brought us World AIDS Day, which reminds us of all the millions infected and the cure that's still lacking. Then there's all that talk about the nasty avian flu that could hit at moment and for which the United States is, as we understand it, woefully undersupplied on vaccines. And, of course, there's that nasty bedbug resurgence in the city, which can't be a particularly healthy. Still, amid all this, it's nice to see the city's Department of Health can keep its focus on the big things, according to the Post:
When WireImage Attacks
Jesse · 12/01/05 05:32PMCOP SLAY Enters Tabloidian Lexicon
Jessica · 11/30/05 08:05AMRemainders: Trump's Alcoholic Orgy Continues
Jessica · 11/29/05 06:00PM
• Prepare your feeble gullets and blue-collar livers for the triumphant glory of Trump: The Booze: The Poster! [Defamer]
• Times Boldfacer Campbell Robertson does his best to grapple with the disintegration of Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey's marriage, especially since Simpson told Boldface in September that her marriage was solid. Don't take it personally, but, yes, honey, she lied to you. She lied to all of us. [NYT]
• Actor Ralph Fiennes considers suing the Post after a Page Six item claimed he was "canoodling" with Gina Gershon at a recent rock show. Since we got that same press release from the venue and "canoodling" was nowhere in the original item, we'd have to venture that some Posties may be guilty as charged. []
• Perplexed over the appropriate holiday gift for someone you've just started dating? Don't be — everyone loves Christmas anal. [NY Sun]
• Finally, a Thrillist suggestion we can get behind: feed the fratboys poisonous fish. [Thrillist]
We Need to Know the Mind Behind the Mistakes
Jessica · 11/29/05 12:32PMThey Do Agree That She Danced in Some Capacity
Jessica · 11/28/05 09:37AMCooking With Col Allan
Jesse · 11/23/05 11:20AMAlas, Not All Photojournalism Is Timeless
Jessica · 11/23/05 08:56AMThe Indie Nuances of Entertainment Law
Jessica · 11/22/05 09:53AM
In a story that features no dateline, the Post tells of a panel called "Indie Night School: Lawyer Edition," held at the standard Lower East Side venue for such a bizarrely titled gathering, Pianos. Tom Sean, a 26-year-old member of the Black Spoons, introduced the speakers, noting that the entertainment lawyers were "also TOTALLY COOL! Because even lawyers are indie."
Post Perfects the Art of Photo Selection
Jessica · 11/18/05 07:54AMWhen Puns Get Lazy, Nobody Wins
Jessica · 11/14/05 09:12AMIt's Not Easy Being Incredibly Desirable
Jessica · 11/10/05 10:24AM
30-year-old Darcy Smith (left) of South Orange is hot. So hot, in fact, that she can't even knock back a $15 cosmo without being constantly hit on by the suave gentlemen of New York nightlife. Weary of being asked to dance and offered drink after tiresome drink, Smith put a posting on Craigslist looking for a security guard to accompany her and her friends during their nights out on the town. Enter 315-pound Brendan Reed, one of three bodyguards Smith hired to keep the lady-killers at bay. Now, thanks to her personal security detail, Smith can pretend she's J-Lo and enjoy a night out with her girlfriends at Spirit.
Media Bubble: Syd, Jim. Jim, Syd.
Jesse · 11/08/05 01:10PM• Syd Schanberg says journalism's big problem is insufficient transparency — that is, not enough journalism about journalism. In next week's "Press Clips," we fill him in on the existence of Jim Romenesko. [VV]
• Amid yesterday's newspaper-circ horror show, Post gains on News. Yay! [NYP]
• Yet the News is still ahead. Yay! [NYDN]
• Never mind the Judy mess; NYT still hasn't fulfilled post-Jayson promises. [PR Week]
• Why'd Andrew Heyward stick around CBS News for so long after the Memogate debacle? For his pension to kick in, of course. [Radar]
• Can't figure out why you should care about the recent sale rumblings at Knight Ridder? Because no less is at stake than — cue ominous music — the entire future of print journalism. Well, fuck. [LAT]
• Ted Koppel is leaving Nightline, in case you didn't know. [WP]
So That's Why Col Allen Put a Horse's Head in Our Bed
Jessica · 11/04/05 08:57AMPage Six: THE MAGAZINE!
Jessica · 11/03/05 02:45PM
Okay, it's not as bad as it sounds. But Page Six, the Post's marvelous bastion of gossip and backstabbing, is launching a magazine. It's not of the traditional newsstand ilk, but will rather be a glossish insert in the paper (presumably Sundays, if it flies). Once we know more, we'll decide whether or not to be amused or mortified.
'Post' Secures Award for Crackiest Page Layout Ever
Jessica · 11/02/05 01:00PM
There's a terrifying story today about a man who dressed as a fireman for Halloween, lit a fire outside a woman's Chelsea apartment, and then sexually assaulted her for 12 hours. Thankfully, the Post lightens the mood a little bit by pairing the piece with a photograph of Lindsay Lohan in her firefighter Halloween costume. The laughter eases the horror, no?